How Much Do Realtors Make? The Numbers Will Amaze You!

Khyati Hooda
By Khyati Hooda 26 Min Read

Ever considered a career in real estate, or just curious about the financial side? You might naturally wonder, “how much do realtors make?” 

It’s a common question for anyone looking to embark on this dynamic profession or those seeking to buy or sell a property.

We’ll explore the various factors that impact realtors’ earnings, from commissions and market conditions to their level of experience and geographic location. 

So, let’s take a journey into the world of real estate and uncover how much do realtors make – a question that naturally springs to mind in the world of property transactions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Realtors operate within the framework of a national or regional real estate brokerage.
  • Every realtor is a real estate agent, but all real estate agents may not necessarily be a realtor.
  • Most realtors operate either as in-house members of a real estate brokerage or as independent contractors. They generate income through commissions or referral fees.
  • Real estate commissions typically fall within 5%-6% of the final sales price.
  • In a real estate transaction, the seller’s and buyer’s realtors receive half the commission. It means that approximately 2.5% to 3% of the sales price is allocated to both brokerages.
  • When you’re dealing with land sales, the commission can be notably higher, often ranging from 10% to 20%.
  • The terms of real estate commissions are detailed in the contracts that buyers and sellers sign when they engage in the services of their respective realtors.
  • The standard referral fee generally equals 25% of the ultimate commission, although it can be subject to discussions and agreements.
  • Dual agency arises when a single realtor serves as the representative for both the buyer and the seller in a real estate transaction. It can also occur when two separate realtors within the same real estate brokerage handle the two sides of a deal.
  • In the United States, the annual income of an average realtor is around $86,295.
  • You can start your journey under the guidance of an experienced and successful realtor who will serve as your mentor.
  • As a beginner, you can go for part-time realtor work while maintaining another job.
  • You should select a strategy that aligns with your unique circumstances to ensure you’re well-prepared for the ever-evolving real estate landscape.
  • If you want to make more money as a realtor, you should adopt roles such as property manager, seller’s agent, buyer’s agent, commercial real estate agent, and real estate broker.

Difference Between a Realtor, Real Estate Agent, And Broker

Realtors are individuals who belong to the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and often operate within the framework of a national or regional real estate brokerage. You should remember that every Realtor is a real estate agent, but all real estate agents may not necessarily be a realtor.

On the other hand, Real Estate Agents obtain state licenses in their work areas, which involves passing a licensing examination and fulfilling specific educational requirements. However, not every real estate agent attains the status of a broker or Realtor unless they meet certain qualifications.

Whereas, Brokers are real estate agents who have successfully completed the broker’s licensing examination. Typically, they run their own firms and employ real estate agents under their broker’s license. Brokers make sure that contracts for their transactions, as well as those of their agents, are compliant and correctly processed. All brokers are real estate agents, but not every broker can be called a realtor unless they meet specific criteria.

Now, let us know how realtors get paid in the next section.

How Do Realtors Get Paid?

Realtors typically work on a commission basis, which means they earn a percentage of the final sale price of a property.

The property seller usually pays this commission, but in some cases, it may be split between the seller and the buyer. The commission percentage can vary, but it’s often around 5-6% of the sale price.

Most realtors operate either as in-house members of a real estate brokerage or as independent contractors. They generate income through commissions or referral fees.

Once a home is sold, the seller’s Realtor and the buyer’s Realtor share the commission through their respective brokerages.

The real estate brokerages initially receive these commission payments, and subsequently, a predetermined percentage is distributed to the agents responsible for finalizing the home purchase.

The specific division of the commission varies depending on the individual Realtors’ prearranged commission arrangements with their respective brokerages.

For instance, less experienced realtors may receive a smaller share than more seasoned ones who contribute a substantial number of listings to the brokerage.

Although the real estate commission is the primary source of income for most realtors, there are situations where realtors are employed by brokers who may provide them with a salary.

There are typically two types of real estate agents involved in a transaction: the listing agent and the buyer’s agent. The listing agent represents the seller and earns a commission from the sale, while the buyer’s agent represents the buyer and also receives a portion of the commission.

Realtors are usually affiliated with a real estate brokerage. When they earn a commission, a portion of it goes to their brokerage as a split. The split varies depending on the brokerage’s policies and the individual agent’s agreement.

In some cases, if a buyer’s agent and a listing agent are from different brokerages, the commission is split between them. This is known as the cooperating broker’s commission, a common practice in real estate transactions.

While the commission-based model is the most common, some real estate agents may also charge flat fees for specific services or offer alternative pricing structures. This can include services like property appraisals, consulting, or marketing.

Apart from commissions, there might be additional fees associated with the real estate transaction, such as administrative fees, document preparation fees, and other miscellaneous charges. These fees vary from one transaction to another.

Let us look at the real estate commission in the next section.

Real Estate Commission

Real estate commission is the amount paid to real estate agents or brokers for their services to help buyers & sellers complete real estate transactions.

Typically, these commissions are calculated as a percentage of the property’s final selling price and are usually split between the buyer’s agent and the seller’s agent.

how much do realtors make

The exact commission rate can vary and is often negotiable between the agent and the client. In the United States, the typical commission rate is around 5-6% of the sale price, but this varies by location and other factors.

Real estate commissions typically fall within 5%-6% of the final sales price. However, remember that this percentage can be subject to negotiation in certain situations.

In a real estate transaction, the seller’s and buyer’s realtors receive half the commission. Approximately 2.5% to 3% of the sales price is allocated to both brokerages.

When you’re dealing with land sales, the commission can be notably higher, often ranging from 10% to 20%. This increase is due to the extended time & additional effort required to market and sell land to potential buyers.

The responsibility for paying the real estate commission rests with the home seller, and it’s settled during the closing process. The amount owed to the realtors is subtracted from the home’s final sales price.

Sellers commonly incorporate the commission cost into their listing price by passing this expense to the homebuyer. In other words, the purchase price is adjusted higher to account for the commission.

The terms of real estate commissions are detailed in the contracts that buyers and sellers sign when they engage in the services of their respective realtors.

While it is possible to negotiate the real estate commission, it’s essential to recognize that not all realtors may agree to such negotiations. You can secure a lower fee on factors such as local housing market conditions, the scope of services your Realtor provides, and their level of professional expertise.

In some instances, buyers and sellers might agree to share the commission’s cost.

Typically, your negotiation of the real estate commission split occurs when you join a brokerage. Most brokerages offer a standard commission split to new agents. As you gain experience or reach a specific production threshold, your broker is likely to enhance your commission split.

Given that your income as a real estate agent is typically commission-based, your annual earnings are contingent on the number of sales you achieve.

If you’re contemplating a career in real estate, it’s essential to research your target market. You should consider factors such as the monthly volume of home sales in that market, the number of competing agents, and whether the market is sizable enough to meet your financial objectives.

If you intend to work in a large metropolitan area, you will likely find ample business opportunities.

One effective strategy for boosting your earning potential involves investing in real estate education. This allows you to develop a specialized niche that attracts a broader range of potential buyers.

Now, let us have a look at the real estate fees.

How Much Are Real Estate Fees?

how much do realtors make

Realtors receive compensation through real estate fees that typically arise from referrals. When another realtor directs a client to you, a predetermined portion of your commission is allocated to the person making the referral.

The standard referral fee generally equals 25% of the ultimate commission, although it can be subject to discussions and agreements.

The specific amount of the referral fee may vary based on factors such as the referred client, market conditions, & the level of effort required by both the referring realtor and the realtor handling the transaction’s conclusion.

Now, let us know about dual agencies in real estate in the next section.

Dual Agency In Real Estate

how much do realtors make

Dual agency arises when a single realtor serves as the representative for both the buyer and the seller in a real estate transaction. It can also occur when two separate realtors within the same real estate brokerage handle the two sides of a deal.

In such instances, the realtor retains the commission generated from the real estate transaction.

Keep in mind that the dual agency is either prohibited or subject to stringent restrictions in several states, including Colorado, Kansas, Texas, Alaska, Florida, Oklahoma, Wyoming, and Vermont.

Now, it’s time to disclose how much do realtors make.

How Much Do Realtors Make?

In the United States, the annual income of an average realtor is around $86,295. You should keep in mind that most realtors operate on a commission-based system, so the average salary might fluctuate based on factors such as the state, city, and prevailing market conditions.

how much do realtors make

Certain real estate agencies may also present a compensation structure with a base salary and commissions, which can be an attractive option for individuals new to the industry.

Many agents often begin with a considerably lower income in their initial year but have the potential to double their earnings once they have that first year of experience behind them.

The process of earning income as a first-year real estate agent may diverge from what you’ve encountered in other industries. 

This is primarily because real estate agency work is generally not based on a fixed salary but rather revolves around your ability to generate your own income.

While some brokers may provide a stipend as part of their negotiated agreements, most compensation comes in the form of commissions, which are calculated as a percentage of the property’s sale price. 

On average, these commissions are typically divided into four parts, distributed among the listing agent, their broker, the buying agent, and the buying agent’s broker.

Real Estate Niches That Increase Your First-Year Salary

If you want to increase your income as a first-year real estate agent, you can consider diving into specialized niches within the industry. 

These niches can provide unique opportunities and higher earning potential. 

Here are a few real estate niches that can help boost your first-year salary:

Investment Properties

You can help clients buy or sell investment properties like rental units or commercial spaces. You need to understand the financial aspects of real estate investments in this niche.

Commercial Real Estate

You can focus on commercial properties, such as office buildings and retail spaces, as it increases commissions due to larger transaction values.

Luxury Real Estate

Catering to high-end properties and affluent clientele can lead to more substantial commissions. However, competition in this niche is fierce, so you’ll need to establish yourself as an expert in the luxury market.

Real Estate Flipping

You can specialize in fixer-uppers and properties for renovation, and resale can be profitable. You’ll need a keen eye for potential and renovation expertise.

Real Estate Auctions

Working with properties sold through auctions can be a niche that offers unique opportunities for agents who understand the auction process and can guide clients effectively.

Green Real Estate

As sustainability gains importance, you can specialize in eco-friendly properties and help clients with energy-efficient homes.

Senior Real Estate

You can focus on the needs of older clients, such as downsizing or finding retirement communities. It will help you gain loyal clients.

Short Sales and Foreclosures

You can handle distressed properties that can lead to more deals, although they often require additional paperwork and negotiations.

Vacation and Second Homes

You can specialize in vacation properties that can lead to higher-priced transactions, especially in areas with strong tourism.

New Construction

You can represent builders and developers or guide buyers through the process of purchasing a new home.

If you want to excel in these niches and boost your first-year salary, invest in specialized knowledge & marketing strategies. Building a strong network & demonstrating your expertise in your chosen niche can help you stand out and attract clients seeking your specific skills and insights.

Now, you know how much do realtors make. So, let us look at how you can become a successful realtor.

Becoming A Successful Realtor

how much do realtors make

When you join one of the well-established and renowned real estate companies, you can start your journey under the guidance of an experienced and successful realtor who will serve as your mentor. 

On the other hand, if you know an accomplished realtor, you can approach them to seek advice.

Larger and well-known real estate agencies often have employees who specialize in various aspects such as paperwork management, marketing, and technology utilization. You can tap into their expertise & learn from their knowledge.

You should remember that you might not start earning commissions immediately unless you have immediate connections ready to buy or sell properties. 

So, you can go for part-time realtor work while maintaining another job.

As you embark on your real estate journey, you’ll interact with various individuals, including brokers, investors, buyers, sellers, and various vendors. You need to establish a network with those vendors. 

This will provide you with valuable insights. They might also refer clients to you, significantly boosting your career.

In today’s digital age, you need a solid online presence, as people often conduct research through various online channels.

The real estate market is dynamic & subject to constant changes. Therefore, you need to create a plan that adapts to market fluctuations and addresses the challenges you may encounter.

You should select a strategy that aligns with your unique circumstances to ensure you’re well-prepared for the ever-evolving real estate landscape.

Now, let us look at some tips to make more cash as a realtor.

Strategies To Earn More Money As A Realtor

There are many strategies to earn more money as a realtor. Here are some roles you can adapt to make more cash:

  • Property managers – They oversee multiple properties owned by the same homeowner or investor. Their duties include locating tenants, collecting rent, managing property maintenance and repairs, and handling general property administration. Property managers receive a portion of the rental income and leasing fees as compensation.
how much do realtors make
  • Seller’s agent – They specialize in listing homes for sale and assist homeowners in determining the appropriate listing price for their properties. The seller’s agent negotiates with either the buyer or the buyer’s agent on behalf of the seller to secure a fair selling price. Additionally, they guide clients through the selling process until the transaction is successfully concluded. Their earnings come in a commission based on the home’s sale.
  • Buyer’s agents – They are real estate professionals who help buyers to locate suitable homes. Buyer’s agents identify properties for sale that align with the buyer’s criteria and accompany them on property tours. In addition, they draft purchase offers on behalf of the buyer and oversee all aspects of the purchasing process until the transaction reaches completion. The seller typically pays buyer’s agent commission through a listing broker.
  • Commercial real estate agents – They specialize in facilitating the acquisition, sale, or leasing of properties intended for business purposes. Typically, commercial real estate agents are employed as salaried staff members within larger commercial real estate agencies.
  • Real estate broker – They operate as a real estate office and are responsible for a team of agents working within that office. Brokers address any legal matters that may arise and receive a percentage of the commissions earned by their real estate agents, advertising revenue, and desk fees.

Now, let us look at some strategies to earn more money.

  • Listing agents have the capacity to collaborate with homeowners in negotiating with the bank for a reduced amount. Once an agreement is reached, the agent relists the property as a short sale.
  • Real estate agents can supplement their income by overseeing landlord properties, including building maintenance and rent collection.
  • Another opportunity for licensed agents to generate additional income is by handling extra paperwork, like the Broker Price Opinion (BPO) report. This report, compiled by licensed appraisers to assess property values, involves comparing various home prices along with pertinent statistics and other information for sellers.
  • Becoming a commercial real estate agent can offer more significant financial benefits, like steady monthly income from leasing. Before approaching potential clients in the commercial sector, you need to conduct thorough research and update your website and business cards to highlight your specialization.

Real-life Examples Of Realtors

Here are the real-life examples of realtors:

Bruno Arapovic is a top-rated realtor company in the United States. They represent the region’s finest properties with exceptional skill using the most innovative technologies.

In addition, they offer ultimate privacy and security, speed, and efficiency.

how much do realtors make

Cherry Ruffino Team is one of the best realtor companies in the United States, with more than 45 years of experience in the real estate industry.

They provide a wide range of services, such as first-time home buyer services, seller’s agent services, luxury property buying & sales, Fha loans, and much more.

how much do realtors make

Bobby Lieb is a licensed real estate specialist. He has consistently been one of the top-selling realtors in North Central Phoenix since 2001.

how much do realtors make

Bobby has also ranked in the Top 5 Performing Realtors locally and nationally every year since he joined his previous brokerage in 2011.

Now, let us look at some FAQs on how much do realtors make.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) On How Much Do Realtors Make

1. How much do realtors make in Texas?

In Texas, realtors make an average annual income of $78,950.

2. What do the top 1% of realtors make?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics says the top 1% of realtors make approximately $112,610 annually. In some cases, successful agents, often called mega-stars, earn annual incomes ranging from $500,000 and beyond.

3. How to make $100,000 your first year in real estate?

If you want to achieve an annual income of $100,000 as a real estate agent, you should prioritize consistent lead generation to sustain & expand your client database. Remain focused on essential tasks and maintain consistency in your efforts.

4. What is the average salary for a realtor in Illinois?

In Illinois, the typical annual income for a realtor lies around $43,000.

Final Thoughts On How Much Do Realtors Make

How much do realtors make varies significantly based on location, experience, skills, and the nature of their real estate transactions. 

The annual income of an average realtor in the United States is around $86,295.

If you are a beginner, then you can start your journey under the guidance of an experienced and successful realtor. You can go for part-time realtor work while maintaining another job to avoid financial risks. 

Also, start networking and maintain a strong relationship with people in your industry.

Select a strategy that aligns with your unique circumstances to ensure you’re well-prepared for the ever-evolving real estate landscape. 

Focus on lead generation, remain consistent in your efforts, and adapt to the real estate market dynamics to achieve your desired earnings.

I hope this article on how much do realtors make sounds helpful!

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Khyati is an entrepreneur, marketing consultant, and a personal finance expert.Building on her achievements, Khyati wrote two acclaimed books: "Failure's Gold," exploring success through hardship, and "Tomorrow's Wallet" on the future of money management.Her work has also been featured by LinkedIn, PPC Hero, Social Pilot, and Training Mag.Khyati has managed over $50M in marketing budgets across various industries including technology, finance, education, retail, consumer goods and more - successfully delivering over 15x ROI for her clients.Khyati has managed over $50M in marketing budgets across various industries including technology, finance, education, retail, consumer goods and more – successfully delivering over 15x ROI for her clients.
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