How To Start A Photography Business with No Experience + 4 Pro Tips

Khyati Hooda
By Khyati Hooda 19 Min Read

The charm of a photography career isn’t lost on anyone who’s felt the rush of capturing the perfect moment. 

Perhaps you’ve been toying with the idea of turning your interest into a business but find yourself hesitating because you lack professional experience. Fear not—this is where many great stories begin.

So, if you’ve ever wondered, “how to start a photography business with no experience,” you’re in the right place. 

We’re here to outline a practical, step-by-step guide to help you turn your photographic flair into a brand. 

From the initial click of inspiration to the flash of insight that comes with learning, we’ll cover what you need to know to lay the groundwork for your photography business.

How to Start a Photography Business with No Experience: 6 Essential Steps

Ready to turn that interest into your livelihood? Let us teach you how to start a photography business with no experience in 6 steps.

Igniting Your Passion for Photography

At the core of learning how to start a photography business with no experience is fostering a deep-seated passion for the craft. 

Some might be enticed by the glamorous portrayal of the photographer’s lifestyle, but it’s the appreciation for the craft—understanding composition, lighting, and the emotion of scenes—that’s essential before you consider working with clients.

Start with Curiosity: To dive into photography, start with your curiosity about the world. Maybe it’s how morning light drapes over your breakfast table or how your neighbor’s face crinkles in laughter. Start capturing these moments. 

Practice in Familiar Settings: This practice isn’t just about taking photos—it’s about seeing life through a different lens, quite literally. You can capture genuine, often overlooked moments by focusing on the people and places around you. 

Ask yourself, what around you sparks that intrigue? Is it the hustle of the street, the quiet of dawn, or the laughter in your home? Start there. 

Your interest will guide your lens, and your lens will begin to tell stories—stories only you can access because of your unique perspective.

Selecting Your First Camera on a Budget

When considering how to start a photography business with no experience, the best camera to start with is the one you can afford and will use.

As you grow in your photography business, you can invest in higher-end cameras that match your developing skills and professional needs.

Choosing an Affordable Camera for Beginners: The equipment cost can be daunting when starting out, but it shouldn’t hinder your journey into photography. Learning the craft is possible even with budget-friendly gear. 

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Look for a camera with manual settings to help you understand the basics of exposure, focus, and composition basics.

Consider models like the Canon EOS Rebel series or the Nikon D3500. These cameras provide manual settings to play with without overwhelming the new photographer.

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Making the Most of What You Have: If a new camera is beyond your budget, consider starting with what most people already own—a smartphone. 

Today’s smartphones have powerful cameras, and with the addition of an inexpensive attachable lens, they can rival the capabilities of standalone cameras for beginners.

Striking the Right Balance: Starting a photography business with no experience doesn’t require the most expensive equipment; it requires creativity and resourcefulness. As you progress, your equipment can grow with you. 

Capture Everyday Life and Practice with Willing Subjects

Begin your photography journey by taking photos of those around you. 

Practice with Family and Friends: As you ponder how to start a photography business with no experience, remember that family and friends often make for readily available subjects, allowing you to experiment with styles and techniques without the pressure of a paying client. 

Their familiarity with you can lead to more natural and relaxed photographs, perfect for learning how to capture authentic expressions and moments.

Embracing the Learning Process: It’s important to approach your initial photography sessions with a learning mindset. Embrace mistakes; each one teaches you a valuable lesson and brings you one step closer to mastery. 

Photography, like any art, requires patience and practice. With each shutter click, you gain insights into lighting, composition, and the nuances of your equipment.

Starting with Self-Portraits or Still Life: If you’re shy about directing people or if your inner circle is camera shy, start with self-portraits or still life photography. This can be a less daunting way to practice technical skills such as lighting and composition. 

Self-portraiture, in particular, can be a profound way of exploring self-expression and artistic identity. 

On the other hand, product photography can be a lucrative niche that hones your attention to detail and understanding of how light interacts with different surfaces and materials.

Crafting a Portfolio That Wins Clients

Curating a captivating portfolio becomes your next crucial step as you navigate how to start a photography business with no experience. 

Curating Your Portfolio: Selecting the right images is critical; choose those that display your skills and tell a story or convey a certain mood. This collection will serve as the first impression for potential clients, so it’s important to include your best work that aligns with the kind of assignments you seek.

Embracing Digital Platforms: The era of carrying bulky physical portfolios to meetings is fading. 

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Digital portfolios are the norm today, offering a more accessible and versatile way to display your work. A well-designed PDF, a professional online gallery, or a personal website can effectively showcase your skills to a global audience.

Tools like Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom can be invaluable for editing your images when creating your digital portfolio. 

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Platforms like Squarespace, Wix, or Behance allow photographers to create sleek, user-friendly websites or galleries. 

These platforms often come with templates and tools that make it easy for photographers without web design experience to put together a professional and aesthetically pleasing portfolio. 

start a photography business with no experience

Designing with Simplicity: When constructing your portfolio, remember that simplicity often speaks volumes; a clean, uncluttered layout allows your work to stand out.

This minimalist approach ensures that viewers’ attention remains on your images, not on the website’s design elements. 

A straightforward navigation structure will facilitate a smooth browsing experience, making it easier for clients and galleries to find and appreciate your best work.

Advancing Your Skills and Entering the Photography Market

Building a photography career isn’t an overnight affair; it demands patience and continuous learning. 

Cultivating Patience and Skill: When you’re figuring out how to start a photography business with no experience, consistent practice, and constructive feedback are your allies.

Remember, every renowned photographer once started as a beginner. It’s the persistence in skill development that will set you apart.

Understanding the Market: As you look to translate your passion into a profession, begin by understanding the photography market. Start with small, manageable jobs to get a feel for the business side of photography. 

This could mean local gigs, family portraits, or small-scale events. These jobs might not be glamorous, but they’re invaluable for gaining real-world experience.

Learning the Business Ropes: Learning to price your work can be challenging when figuring out how to start a photography business without experience. 

Starting your journey on how to start a photography business with no experience involves understanding the economic landscape of your craft. 

Research what others in your area charge and factor in your skill level and costs. And as you step into the market, be prepared for rejection.

Not every client will be a fit, and that’s okay. 

Use rejection as an opportunity to refine your approach and photography services, keeping in mind that perseverance is key to your growth and eventual success in the photography business.

Making Your Photography Business Official

Starting a photography business involves more than capturing stunning images; it requires setting a firm legal and financial foundation. 

Here are the key steps to establish your business legally and ensure you’re ready to provide services professionally:

Choose a Business Name: Selecting the right name is crucial as it represents your brand and is the first point of contact with potential clients. Your business name should be memorable, easy to find, and professional. It will appear on all your marketing materials and digital platforms.

You can use this website to check if your chosen business name is already in use by another business.

start a photography business with no experience

Register Your Business: Registering your business is vital for legal operation and tax purposes. Here are your options:

  • Sole Proprietorship: This is the most straightforward structure but does not protect personal assets from business liabilities.
  • LLC (Limited Liability Company): Offers protection for personal assets and can be taxed as a sole proprietorship or partnership.
  • Corporations (S-Corps/C-Corps): More complex and might offer tax advantages but generally involve higher costs and more regulations.

Consulting an accountant or legal professional is advisable to determine the best structure for your business.

For further business guidance, consider visiting

start a photography business with no experience

Obtain Necessary Permits and Licenses: Requirements vary by location, but ensuring you have the correct permits and licenses to operate legally in your area is essential. Contact your state licensing board and local city hall for specific information.

Secure an Employer Identification Number (EIN): An EIN is necessary for LLCs or Corporations. It’s used to identify your business for tax purposes and is required to open business bank accounts and manage payroll if you have employees.

Draft Client Contracts: Contracts are critical for outlining the scope of your services, deliverables, and limitations. They protect both you and your clients. Organizations like Professional Photographers of America can provide resources, including contract templates and legal advice.

start a photography business with no experience

Get Insurance: Insurance is essential for any photography business, covering everything from equipment to liability. Industry-specific insurance providers can offer tailored coverage suited to the unique needs of photographers.

4 Valuable Tips from Experts

Starting a photography business can be daunting, with unforeseen challenges and invaluable lessons. 

To help guide emerging photographers on this journey, especially those curious about how to start a portrait photography business with no experience, we’ve gathered pearls of wisdom from seasoned experts in the field of photography. 

Here’s what they had to say:

Jenika McDavitt – Psychology for Photographers

start a photography business with no experience

“Understand your client’s concerns.”

Jenika Mcdavitt reminds us that while photographers may focus on technical aspects like light and composition, clients are often more concerned about how they look. 

She emphasizes the importance of aligning your priorities with your clients’ and recommends selling your services and products by addressing their ultimate goals and desires. 

This approach improves client satisfaction and can enhance their self-esteem and change their lives. 

Learn more about Jenika here.

Cole Joseph – Cole’s Classroom

start a photography business with no experience

“Go the extra mile for your clients.”

Cole advises that while hard work and word-of-mouth are important, creating an extraordinary client experience can set you apart from the competition. 

He encourages photographers to invest time and money into providing a service that’s not just satisfactory but remarkable.

Learn more about Cole here.

Matt Hoaglin –

start a photography business with no experience

“Learn to price for profit.”

Matt reflects on the early days of his business when he based his pricing on competitors without considering their profitability or expenses. 

He stresses the importance of understanding how to price your services to cover costs and generate a profit. 

Matt also underscores the value of financial planning for a healthy business, recommending Profit First by Mike Michalowicz as an essential read.

Learn more about Matt here.

Lori Nordstrom – Simply Blessed

start a photography business with no experience

“Avoid common pitfalls.”

Lori wishes she had been aware of five critical mistakes to avoid:

  1. Failing to plan your business properly.
  2. Rushing to get a studio space.
  3. Hiring employees without clear job descriptions.
  4. Giving away too much for free during portfolio building.
  5. Thinking like an artist and not as a business person.

She believes recognizing these pitfalls and learning to think and act as a business owner will dramatically change your business and personal life.

Learn more about Lori here.

These experts share a common theme: success in photography isn’t just about taking beautiful pictures; it’s about understanding your clients, mastering the business side of things, and delivering an unmatched experience. 

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your existing business, their insights can provide the guidance to navigate the industry with confidence and skill.

Wrapping up

Embarking on the adventure of how to start a photography business with no experience is akin to framing your first perfect shot—exciting, a bit daunting, but ultimately rewarding. It’s about capturing the essence of your entrepreneurial spirit, one click at a time.

Remember, the path is peppered with learning curves that curve more like spirals, and that’s part of the charm. Take a leaf out of the pro’s albums: your passion is the lens, your willingness to learn is the shutter speed, and perseverance is your ISO setting.

So, snap on! Flex that creative muscle and embrace the candid moments of the business side of photography. Let your story develop in the darkroom of experience, and watch as the picture of your photography business comes into vibrant focus.


How to start a portrait photography business?

To start a portrait photography business, begin by gaining a deep understanding of portrait photography through courses or mentorship. Develop a solid business plan that outlines your unique services, target market, and financial goals. 

Ensure you handle the legal requirements like registering your business and obtaining the necessary permits and insurance. Create a strong brand that represents your style and attracts your ideal clientele. 

Build a compelling portfolio with your best work to showcase your skills. Invest in the right equipment and software for capturing and editing high-quality images. Implement an effective marketing strategy to draw in clients, using tools such as social media, a professional website, and networking events. 

Lastly, focus on providing an excellent customer experience, from initial contact to final product delivery, to build a reputable business.

What are the essential pieces of equipment for a beginner photographer?

For new photographers, kick off with key gear: a dependable camera with manual settings, a flexible lens (e.g., 50mm or 18-55mm), a robust tripod, basic lighting gear (flash and reflectors), ample memory cards, spare batteries, and essential editing software like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom for post-processing.

How can I find my first clients when starting out?

Grow your photography clientele by leveraging personal connections and social media. Share discounted sessions to boost your portfolio and referrals. Network at local events and collaborate with businesses for visibility. Maintain a professional online presence for potential clients to find you easily. 

What should I include in my photography contracts?

Photography contracts must detail services, pricing, payment terms, and deposits. Specify proof and image delivery timelines. Clearly define copyright and usage rights. Include liability clauses and expectations for unforeseen events or cancellations to ensure mutual understanding between the photographer and client.

How much should I charge for my photography services as a beginner?

Set your photography prices thoughtfully as a beginner. Research local rates, and consider costs for profitability. Begin with competitive pricing to attract clients, adjusting as you gain experience. Let your prices mirror your growing expertise, work quality, and increasing demand in the industry. 

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Khyati is an entrepreneur, marketing consultant, and a personal finance expert.Building on her achievements, Khyati wrote two acclaimed books: "Failure's Gold," exploring success through hardship, and "Tomorrow's Wallet" on the future of money management.Her work has also been featured by LinkedIn, PPC Hero, Social Pilot, and Training Mag.Khyati has managed over $50M in marketing budgets across various industries including technology, finance, education, retail, consumer goods and more - successfully delivering over 15x ROI for her clients.Khyati has managed over $50M in marketing budgets across various industries including technology, finance, education, retail, consumer goods and more – successfully delivering over 15x ROI for her clients.
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