How To Become A Freelance Writer: Guide For Newbies 2024

Khyati Hooda
By Khyati Hooda 28 Min Read

Ever dreamt of swapping your office desk for a cozy café, crafting captivating content, and calling the shots in your writing career? Well, you’re in for a treat because today, we’re spilling the beans on how to become a freelance writer.

Becoming a freelance writer isn’t just about typing away in your pajamas (although that’s definitely a perk!).

It’s about crafting compelling content, sharing your unique voice, and, of course, paying the bills while you do it. 

So, if you’re ready to break free from the office cubicle and join the ranks of the wordsmiths who call their own shots, you’re in for an exciting ride.

In this guide, we’ll spill the beans on how to become a freelance writer, sharing tips, tricks, and insider insights to help you turn your passion for words into a profitable venture. 

Key Takeaways

  • Freelance writing is a self-employment model in which freelance writers offer their writing expertise to clients through contracts.
  • Freelance writers select their projects and clients and produce diverse forms of written content such as articles, blogs, reports, scripts, advertisements, and more.
  • A freelance writer just needs an open-minded approach and a willingness to learn. You also need good writing skills, a research knack, a solid grammar grasp, and familiarity with common style guides.
  • Before starting your freelance writing journey, explore the websites of seasoned freelance writers and find out their biographies, articles, blogs, & other written works.
  • You’ll require either a laptop or a desktop computer outfitted with essential software, which includes a word processing program, task management tools, and photo-editing software.
  • You need to learn how to engage readers effectively and craft content in a manner that captivates their interest and sustains their engagement. Acquire knowledge in editing and familiarize yourself with SEO.
  • Start your blog or use Medium to craft your articles. Build a professional website that showcases your portfolio.
  • You can use social media & networking platforms to promote your services by sharing links to your most recent articles or blog posts.
  • Seek out job listings on professional networking platforms and social media. You need to consider pitching articles to magazines and online journals and contacting companies with cold pitches.
  • Stay informed about industry trends, market demand, and competitive rates for freelance writing services.
  • Freelance writer rates charge approximately $0.20 to $1.00 per word. Many writers tend to charge around $0.30 to $0.40 per word.

What Is Freelance Writing?

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Freelance writing is a self-employment model in which individuals, commonly referred to as freelance writers, offer their writing expertise to clients through contractual agreements.

These independent writers select their projects and clients and produce diverse forms of written content such as articles, blogs, reports, scripts, advertisements, and more.

Freelance writers typically hold responsibilities like proposing creative ideas, creating content, meeting deadlines, and managing various aspects of their business, including invoicing and self-promotion.

The compensation for freelance writers is often based on the volume of work completed for a client. This compensation model depends on the pricing for each word written or for the number of weekly articles.

Now, let us look at what qualifications are required to become a freelance writer.

Skills You Need To Become A Freelance Writer

how to become a freelance writer

Before you know how to become a freelance writer, you first need to check certain credentials.

Well, you’ll be happy to know that there are no certain qualifications to become a freelance writer. You won’t find a demand for degrees, certificates, or writers’ retreats.

You just need an open-minded approach and a willingness to learn. You also need good writing skills, a research knack, a solid grammar grasp, and familiarity with common style guides.

If you have a strong grasp of the language you’re writing in, maintain a willingness to explore new subjects, and are driven to connect with clients, you can be a successful freelance writer.

Moreover, knowing how to run your freelance business and manage your finances are vital skills for success in this field.

Now, it’s time to disclose how to become a freelance writer.

How To Become A Freelance Writer?

how to become a freelance writer

Let us look at the step-by-step process on how to become a freelance writer. If you want to become a writer, follow each step:

1. Explore The Freelance Writing Sector

Before starting your freelance writing journey, you must gather comprehensive industry insights.

Explore the websites of seasoned freelance writers and find out their biographies, articles, blogs, & other written works.

Many writers generously offer valuable insights into the world of freelance writing. They share valuable information on what it means to be a successful freelancer, how they operate their writing enterprises, their creative processes, strategies for finding clients, and methods for establishing their pricing.

2. Learn Essential Business Skills

Freelance writing requires strong organizational and time management capabilities. You need to establish a structured writing routine for tackling your projects. Also, maintain a well-defined system for monitoring your ongoing, finished, and pending assignments.

You need to maintain a record that includes tracking sent & pending invoices, receiving payments, managing writing proposals, job applications, and client communications.

3. Ensure You Have The Required Tools

After that, you’ll require either a laptop or a desktop computer outfitted with essential software, which includes a word processing program, task management tools, and photo-editing software. This is because freelance writers frequently incorporate images into their content.

You need to establish an online presence by creating a website where you can exhibit your writing portfolio. Additionally, you’ll need a professional business email account, a phone, and access to a video conferencing platform.

Furthermore, you need to have both a bank account and an online payment service account for financial transactions. This allows smooth and secure payment processing from your clients.

4. Grasp Contemporary Writing Norms

Various writing genres come with their own distinct conventions. For instance, the approach to writing and formatting a blog differs significantly from that of composing an academic paper.

You need to have mastery in research across diverse subjects and adept citation of sources. You also need to learn how to engage readers effectively and craft content in a manner that captivates their interest and sustains their engagement.

5. Enhance Your Writing Proficiency

You should study the works of others because it offers valuable insights into sentence structure that enriches your vocabulary, eliminates unnecessary fillers, and incorporates vivid details.

Read content that is related to your field of expertise, but you need to explore a diverse range of material.

You need to write consistently and read your own writing aloud. The more you dedicate yourself to practice, the greater your progress and improvement will be.

6. Acquire Knowledge In Editing

When you complete your initial draft, you can assume the role of an editor.

Revisit your work carefully and conduct multiple readings to spot any inaccuracies, inconsistencies in style, structure, or content, grammatical mistakes, vague statements, or claims lacking proper sources.

The more thorough your editing process, the smoother the experience for your client. This reduces the need for extensive revisions down the road.

7. Familiarize Yourself With SEO

You need to understand the intricacies of ranking on diverse search engines. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) needs an ongoing learning process as it continually evolves. However, committing to it lets you grasp the fundamental concepts quickly.

Many of your prospective freelance writing clients will have specific SEO objectives in mind. You need to remember that clients are primarily investing in outcomes.

8. Write Sample Pieces

You need to create a collection of writing samples. However, if you’re new to professional writing, it’s highly advisable to craft several samples in a format similar to the projects you plan to propose.

You need to have a diverse range of samples that are readily available. This showcases your ability to deliver on the projects you pitch.

9. Choose A Specialized Writing Area

You can explore various options as a freelance writer, including business writing, video script composition, speech crafting, newsletter creation, technical documentation, copywriting, journalism, and many others.

Start by initially selecting one or two areas that genuinely catch your interest and focus on honing your skills within those domains.

Once you establish yourself in the freelance writing arena and gain better time management skills, you can gradually broaden your content creation scope to include additional niches.

10. Contribute To Platforms Such As Medium

You can sign up on Medium and experiment with different topics, styles, and article lengths. Then, start crafting your content regularly. This is the best way to discover what suits you, and you can experiment with it in front of a live audience.

Medium serves as an excellent platform for both practice and networking. For example, see how Christopher Kokoski is sharing his articles on Medium.

how to become a freelance writer

11. Propose Guest Writing Opportunities

Seek out blogs within your specific niche and use guest writing opportunities. This approach effectively expands your reach to enhance the visibility of your work and boosts SEO for your blog or personal website.

You just need to identify niche bloggers who are slightly more advanced than you and extend offers to contribute to their platforms.

12. Start A Blog

You can publish your writing on the internet by starting a blog. This offers a valuable chance to refine your expertise & viewpoints on a specific subject you aspire to write about.

If you have a good audience, you can explore the option of generating income through advertisements.

In today’s era, you can find cost-effective web hosting services and user-friendly website creation packages, even on a tight budget. You can easily craft a polished website or set up a WordPress blog. Alternatively, you can start sharing articles on your LinkedIn profile.

For example, see how Amjad Jabbar, a web content writer, shares his articles on his LinkedIn profile.

how to become a freelance writer

13. Build A Portfolio Showcasing Your Writing

You need to maintain an up-to-date and well-organized writing portfolio. This holds immense significance in the freelance writing realm.

Create a polished website that allows you to showcase your portfolio of work samples elegantly. Depending on your expertise & interests, you can feature articles within a particular niche or include a broad range of topics.

14. Promote Your Writing Services

Maintain a professional website and an active blog. Doing this enhances your marketing initiatives. In addition, consistent content creation contributes to higher search engine rankings.

Your website should include various essential pages, such as a services page that outlines the writing services you provide, an About page that introduces yourself & highlights your qualifications, a portfolio that showcases your writing samples, and a contact page for convenient client communication.

You can use social media & networking platforms to promote your services by sharing links to your most recent articles or blog posts. For example, you can see how Sarah O. posted her LinkedIn blog.

how to become a freelance writer

15. Establish Connections With Fellow Freelance Writers

Connect with individuals who are established freelance writers. It’s a fantastic way to unearth new opportunities.

More experienced writers can offer valuable insights, offer constructive feedback on your portfolio, and potentially refer clients to you if their workload becomes too heavy.

If you don’t have personal connections to freelance writers in your offline network, you can explore opportunities to make connections through social media.

A quick search on platforms like Facebook can lead to many active job board groups where opportunities are regularly posted.

For example, Content writing jobs is a facebook group that posts content writing freelance jobs.

how to become a freelance writer

16. Hunt For Freelance Writing Opportunities

Many freelance writing opportunities await you on the internet. Seek out job listings on professional networking platforms and social media. You can search for writing jobs on freelance sites, such as Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, People per Hour, Guru, etc.

You also need to consider pitching articles to magazines and online journals and contacting companies with cold pitches.

Before submitting your applications or article proposals, invest your time in researching the companies. Thoroughly examine the content featured on their websites to gain insight into their specific writing needs.

Make sure that each application aligns with the job’s prerequisites and includes relevant writing samples to showcase your capabilities.

how to become a freelance writer

17. Keep Learning

Whenever you encounter something unfamiliar, take the initiative to investigate and expand your knowledge. Explore new vocabulary, experiment with different methodologies, and seek guidance from seasoned professionals whenever possible.

Dedicate your time to enhancing your writing knowledge, refining your pitching abilities, honing your editorial skills, and fine-tuning your communication aptitude.

Now you’re aware of how to become a freelance writer. Let us look at their responsibilities in the next section!

Responsibilities Of A Freelance Writer

how to become a freelance writer

There are many responsibilities of a freelance writer. Let us look at them one by one:

  • Conduct thorough research on various topics to ensure accuracy and depth of content.
  • Generate high-quality written content tailored to the client’s specifications. This may include articles, blog posts, reports, or other forms of written material.
  • Review and revise your work to eliminate grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style errors.
  • Maintain clear and effective communication with clients to understand their needs, provide updates, and address any concerns or revisions.
  • Pitch articles or content ideas to potential clients or publications to secure new writing opportunities.
  • Follow client-specific guidelines like style preferences, tone, and formatting requirements.
  • Manage your own workload, schedules, and project priorities as an independent contractor.
  • Adhere to deadlines set by clients to deliver work promptly and professionally.
  • Stay informed about industry trends, market demand, and competitive rates for freelance writing services. Also, stay updated on writing techniques, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) best practices, and evolving trends in content creation.

Now, let us look at the factors that impact freelance writer earnings.

Factors That Impact The Earnings Of A Freelance Writer

how to become a freelance writer

There are many factors that impact the earnings of a freelance writer. These factors are as follows:

  • When you’re just starting out, your pricing may not be as high as someone with more experience. However, the significance of the experience is less than one might assume. This makes freelance writing an attractive field.
  • You can charge higher rates if you position yourself as a proficient writer who consistently delivers high-quality work.
  • On the other hand, if you’re a highly skilled writer, you can charge premium rates for your services.
  • If you identify clients willing to invest in top-tier works, your earnings can substantially increase.
  • Certain topics prove to be more profitable than others, particularly those that involve high levels of technicality or demand specialized expertise and credentials.

Now you’re aware of how to become a freelance writer, their responsibilities and the factors that impact their earnings. Let us look at their earnings in the next section!

Earnings Of A Freelance Writer

Freelance writer rates charge approximately $0.20 to $1.00 per word. Many writers tend to charge around $0.30 to $0.40 per word.

It can be quite challenging if you’re a freelance writer with no experience. However, once you secure your initial set of freelance writing projects and build a portfolio, your prospects are likely to improve.

Two key factors play a pivotal role in determining your earnings: your writing speed and the negotiated rate.

If you’re a writer without experience, composing and editing 200 words for a basic blog post might take an hour. However, with a few months of experience, you could increase your output to 500 or 600 words per hour.

Meanwhile, the rate per word varies depending on the client and the nature of the writing project. Some organizations pay over $1 per word for highly specialized content, whereas others may offer as little as $0.04 per word for simple blog articles.

Now you’re aware of how to become a freelance writer, their responsibilities, and earnings. In the next section, let us look at how to start your freelance writing career.

Starting Your Freelance Writing Career

how to become a freelance writer

If you want to find your first client and get hired, you need to follow certain steps. Let us look at them one by one:

  • Create a collection of writing samples that showcase your skills. Start by writing for your own blog or contributing to platforms like Medium. You can also offer free content to small businesses.
  • Define your career objectives, such as the income you want to earn, the number of clients you aim to acquire, and your preferred work hours.
  • Build a professional website or blog to showcase your portfolio and offer information about your services. Use social media sites like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter to connect with potential clients and fellow writers.
  • You need to attend networking events and join online forums or writing communities to expand your network.
  • Research industry rates for freelance writers in your niche to determine competitive pricing. You can start with lower rates to build your reputation, but gradually increase your fees as you gain experience & recognition.
  • You can start pitching to job boards, freelance marketplaces, and content agencies. Use freelance sites like Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, People per Hour, Guru, etc. Cold emailing potential clients or businesses in your chosen niche can also be effective. You need to leverage your network to seek referrals or recommendations.
  • When you secure a project, you must ensure a clear contract outlining deliverables, payment terms, and deadlines.
  • You need to meet or exceed client expectations consistently. Proofread & edit your work thoroughly before submission. You need to effectively manage your time to meet deadlines and balance multiple projects.
  • Maintain open and professional communication with clients. Ask for feedback and testimonials to improve your services.
  • You need to continue learning and adapting to industry trends, including SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and digital marketing.
  • Consistently delivering quality work and meeting deadlines will establish a positive reputation in the freelance writing community.
  • As you gain experience and a steady client base, consider hiring assistance, outsourcing tasks, or raising your rates to increase your income.

Remember that success in freelance writing often takes time and persistence. Be patient and stay committed to honing your skills and growing your career.

Real-Life Examples On Freelance Writers

Here are real-life examples on freelance writers:

Scott S. is a top-rated writer and editor on Upwork. He has worked on more than 200 projects.

Scott can craft compelling content that fits the client’s desired tone. He specializes in business writing & marketing materials, and he also has a strong background in journalism and experience in finance and tech content.

Scott charges $65.00 per hour for his freelance work. His per-word rate is typically 15 cents.

how to become a freelance writer

Mary Ellen K is a highly-rated ghostwriter, copywriter, and blogger on Fiverr. She has received a 5 out of 5-star rating with 241 reviews.

Mary is part of the Fiverr Pro catalog and has been hand-picked by a dedicated Fiverr Pro team.

how to become a freelance writer

Karin B. is a top-rated professional writer in the United States on Freelancer. She writes compelling SEO-friendly content for websites, blogs, product descriptions, and eBooks.

Karin has been freelancing full-time since 2016. She has received a 5 out of 5-star rating with 35 reviews.

Karin charges $20 per hour for her freelance writing work.

how to become a freelance writer

Book Writing Studios is a writing company in the United States. They started with a small group of young adults who bonded over their love for writing & coffee.

Book Writing Studios stays ahead of the writing industry with a list of services that allow aspiring authors to rule book clubs, whether it’s the non-fiction, fiction, educational, sci-fi, or biographical genre or children’s books.

how to become a freelance writer

Pros And Cons Of Freelance Writing

Let us look at the pros and cons of freelance writing:

+ Freelance writers have the freedom to set their own schedules and work from anywhere

+ You can explore diverse topics and industries through your writing assignments

+ Freelancers are their own boss that allows for creative control over their work and career choices

+ Experienced freelance writers can earn competitive rates, and income isn’t limited to a fixed salary

+ Freelancers generally work with clients from around the world and expand their professional network
– Freelance income can be inconsistent

– They don’t typically receive employee benefits

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) On How To Become A Freelance Writer

1. How do I become a freelance writer with no experience?

You can become a freelance writer with no experience in the following ways:

  • Create writing samples
  • Seek assistance from a writing agency
  • Launch your own blog
  • Share your work with your loved ones
  • Connect with fellow freelance writers
  • Begin your writing career with a content network
  • Polish your grammar skills
  • Learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Reach out to larger websites
  • Secure a productive workspace.

2. Can I make $1000 a month freelance writing?

Yes, you can make $1000 a month with freelance writing, even with little or no experience.

3. How do freelance writers get paid?

When you’re working on an article, compensation can be based on either word count or a per-piece rate. Clients may opt for hourly payment or a fixed fee for the entire project.

4. How hard is it to become a freelance writer?

It is pretty simple, though not easy, to become a freelance writer. You just need good writing skills, a research knack, a solid grammar grasp, and familiarity with common style guides.

Final Thoughts On How To Become A Freelance Writer

Starting a freelance writing career can be both rewarding and fulfilling. You need to cultivate a genuine passion for writing and let persistence be your ally.

Develop a diverse skill set that includes writing, editing, research, and communication skills.

You need to build a strong portfolio of your work. High-quality samples will help you attract clients and showcase your abilities.

Also, connect with fellow writers, clients, and professionals in your niche. Networking can open up opportunities and provide valuable insights.

Don’t forget to invest your time in marketing and promotion of your services. A strong online presence and marketing strategy can help you secure more clients.

Remember that the world of writing is ever-evolving, so stay updated with industry trends and best practices.

I hope this article on how to become a freelance writer sounds helpful! Do share your feedback in the comments section!

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Khyati is an entrepreneur, marketing consultant, and a personal finance expert.Building on her achievements, Khyati wrote two acclaimed books: "Failure's Gold," exploring success through hardship, and "Tomorrow's Wallet" on the future of money management.Her work has also been featured by LinkedIn, PPC Hero, Social Pilot, and Training Mag.Khyati has managed over $50M in marketing budgets across various industries including technology, finance, education, retail, consumer goods and more - successfully delivering over 15x ROI for her clients.Khyati has managed over $50M in marketing budgets across various industries including technology, finance, education, retail, consumer goods and more – successfully delivering over 15x ROI for her clients.
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