How To Start A Gutter Cleaning Business In 18 Simple Steps

Khyati Hooda
By Khyati Hooda 37 Min Read

Okay, let’s start this article by saying that gutters will always need cleaning, which we cannot change. 

That being said, let’s say long live the gutter cleaning businesses, which, although often overlooked, are becoming a very lucrative way to start making money.

You’ve landed here probably because you are interested in learning more about how to start a gutter cleaning business, the costs, whether it is profitable, and more.

This article is a must-read piece for those interested in learning more about starting a gutter-cleaning business. It is a comprehensive guide focusing on all important aspects of business creation.

Keep reading if you are eager to know how to reach that entrepreneurial success in gutter cleaning.

What Is A Gutter Cleaning Business?

A gutter-cleaning business is about removing debris, such as leaves, twigs, and sediment, from the gutter system of a building. 

Over time, gutters become clogged with natural materials, leading to water damage, ice dams in colder climates, and even creating a habitat for pests. 

Gutter cleaning is essential to maintain the functionality of the gutter system, preventing water infiltration into the building envelope and preserving the foundation and landscaping.

Why you MUST clean your gutters?

Even though cleaning gutters is not among the priorities for homeowners, it must be done, whether we like it or not. To answer your question why, it is because otherwise, it can cause severe damage to your home. 

These are the key reasons why you must consider cleaning the gutters of your home are:

  • To prevent rainwater from flooding your home, causing water damage everywhere, clogged gutters can cause water to overflow and get into your walls, foundation, and attic.
  • To avoid mold and mildew because the clogs in your home gutters can overflow when there is a storm and soak your home’s external walls and windows, creating damp conditions ideal for mold and mildew growth.
  • To avoid roof damage, clogged gutters will lead to water backup under your roof when rain falls, which will trap moisture on your roof structure, causing it to rot and leak.
  • To prevent rodents (squirrels) and critters from coming in, clogged gutters also attract animals like squirrels to nest and feed.
  • To avoid fire, clogged gutters with pine trees and leaves are highly flammable and might cause fire hazards.
  • To avoid ice dams, in the cooler months with snow and ice, clogged gutters can freeze at night and build so-called ice dams, which will eventually cause leaks and roof damage.
  • To avoid foundation damage, clogged gutters might cause water to get inside the foundation of your house, and the moisture might do cracks in it, letting water seep into basements and other spaces of your home.
  • Clogged gutters attract numerous pests, and when they nest in blocked areas, they will enter through fascias, then attics and ceilings to reduce clogging due to pests. 
  • To prevent water damage, clogged gutters cause water to overflow and seep everywhere into your home.

Tools You Need To Start A Gutter Cleaning Business

Starting a gutter cleaning business involves more than just a bucket and a ladder—it’s about having the right tools and a solid plan to keep things flowing smoothly. 

Here’s a breakdown of the essentials you’ll need to kickstart your venture:

Cleaning Tools

  • Ladders: Extendable and sturdy ladders are crucial to access gutters on different types of buildings.
  • Gutter Scoops: Tools specifically designed for scooping out leaves and debris from gutters.
  • Garden Hose: With a spray nozzle for washing out gutters after clearing debris.
  • Pressure Washer: Useful for tougher cleaning jobs; a pressure washer with different nozzle attachments is beneficial.
  • Leaf Blower: A leaf blower with a gutter cleaning attachment can make clearing dry debris quicker.

Safety Equipment

  • Safety Harness – For use when working at heights to prevent falls.
  • Gloves – Durable gloves to protect hands from sharp objects and debris.
  • Safety Goggles – A must-tool for protecting eyes from flying debris.
  • Non-slip Shoes-  Ensure good traction when working on ladders or a roof.
  • Work Uniforms – With high visibility for safety and professionalism.

Business Operational Tools

  • Vehicle – A reliable vehicle, such as a van or truck, to transport equipment and personnel.
  • Insurance – Liability insurance to protect the business against claims and worker’s compensation if hiring employees.
  • Accounting Software – For managing finances, invoices, and taxes.
  • Scheduling Software – For keeping track of the appointments and the client’s information.
  • Marketing Materials – Business cards, flyers, and signs for advertising your services.
  • Website – A professional website to provide information about your services and to attract customers.

Additional Tools

  • Bucket – For collecting debris from gutters.
  • Extension Poles – To reach gutters without always using a ladder.
  • Dump Tarps – For collecting and disposing of debris.
  • Camera or Inspection Mirror – To inspect the gutters before and after cleaning.

Starting a gutter cleaning business isn’t just about the tools; it’s navigating legalities, too. Ensure you obtain the necessary licenses, register your business, and comply with local tax regulations. 

Marketing your services and delivering exceptional customer experiences will set you apart and help you grow.

How To Start A Gutter Cleaning Business: Step-By-Step Instructions

By now, you must be impatient to know how to start a gutter-cleaning business. 

Starting a gutter cleaning business involves several steps: planning, legal compliance, financial planning, marketing, and operations. 

Here’s an initial breakdown of the basic start-up costs, steps, and answers to your questions.

how to start a gutter cleaning business

No.1 Consider why you believe this is your right business opportunity.

When starting any business, one must consider whether they choose the right one. You can decide whether the gutter-cleaning business suits you by checking its advantages and disadvantages.


  • There are low initial startup costs; you only need a ladder and a few tools for starters.
  • Flexible working hours allow you to run the business from home and set the working hours that suit you.
  • You can earn good money and $100-$200 per project/job.


  • The market is already very crowded and competitive 
  • This business is automatically connected to the seasons, and you likely won’t have projects in the wintertime.

No.2 Understanding the gutter-cleaning industry trends and challenges

Before you start a gutter cleaning business journey, you must know the trends in this industry.

  • Learn about the new tools that are a vacuum for gutters, making gutter cleaning much easier and safer.
  • The more the housing market grows, the bigger the demands and opportunities are for gutter-cleaning businesses.
  • Analyze why more people choose gutter guards to keep their gutters covered and out of debris, eventually decreasing the need for gutter cleaning businesses.
  • Accept the fact that there is a big chance for employees to get hurt, which is a great risk for gutter cleaning businesses.

No. 3 Planning and market research

Understand the demand for gutter cleaning in our area. Identify your intended audience, typically homeowners, property management companies, and commercial property owners. 

We found a report concerning gutter services in the US industry trends (2017-2022), and based on it, we can plan and make a market research analysis. You can also consider that they claim the industry is driven by the entry of new businesses, new and existing houses, and nonresidential buildings like schools, colleges, or government buildings that need gutter cleaning services.

how to start a gutter cleaning business

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No.4 Deciding your business model

Decide if you’ll operate on a seasonal or year-round basis, and determine the scope of your services. Also, decide whether you’ll offer gutter cleaning exclusively or include related services like pressure washing or repair services.

No.5 Choose a commercial space for your business.

It is totally up to you if you want to start a gutter cleaning business from home in the first couple of months and save up money for the upcoming expenses. But remember that once your business grows, you’ll need more employees and premises to operate successfully. 

There are numerous options for business premises that you can rent and find on sites like Craigslist or Instant Offices.

No.6 Choosing your company name

When starting a new business, it is essential to create a name for it and make it memorable, easy to spell, and a name reflecting the services offered. 

Ensure it’s not already in use or trademarked.

No.7 Set up a business plan for your gutter cleaning business

Businesses are built upon plans and are an integral and fundamental part of any company. You can start planning and setting your business plan by creating a guidebook in which you’ll go from the start (your idea) to the launch of it and focus on your goals.

This process is important because it will speak volumes about the importance of your business and attract potential partners and investors.

Any business plan includes key points like:

  • A summary of the mission, how it started from an idea to realization up to the company’s key goals.
  • A detailed business overview containing information like its location and legal structure.
  • Well-defined details on the services that that gutter cleaning business will offer.
  • Analyzing the gutter cleaning market and industry by finding a target audience and understanding customer needs and preferences.
  • Research key competitors in gutter cleaning businesses to know their pros and cons; knowing these details will help determine your business selling points.
  • Developing sales and marketing strategies will focus on promoting your gutter cleaning services and driving sales.
  • Finding the right management team responsible for the business’s success.
  • Developing an operations plan for everyday activities.
  • Developing a financial plan to project the startup costs and profits and loss forecasts.
  • Gathering other supporting, relevant documents and some legal documents to provide credibility and value to your business.

No.8 Setting pricing for your services: 

Set your rates based on market research. Consider factors like property size, gutter condition, ease of access, and competition pricing. Clients can be charged a flat fee per service, by linear foot, or through a pricing tier based on property size.

how to start a gutter cleaning business

No.9 Legal Compliance and Business Structure

Choosing the right company structure when starting a gutter cleaning business is also very important because it will impact the taxes you pay for it, your liability to the business, etc.

Therefore, you must decide the classification of your business, and we suggest you choose LLC because it doesn’t take a lot of time to apply for one, plus it offers liability protection.

You can choose These business structure types:

  • A sole proprietorship is the most common structure for small businesses, and most small business owners choose it because all income goes to the owner. At the same time, the owner is the sole person responsible for any debts, losses, and liabilities the business might incur. Also, the business owner is responsible for paying taxes based on the business income on their tax return.
  • A general partnership is similar to the previous structure, but it is meant for two or more owners, and its goal is to keep more people liable for the losses or debts to keep the profits. In a general partnership, all partners pay taxes on their share of the business income on their tax returns.
  • LLC (limited liability company): this type of business structure represents a combination of corporations and partnerships, and the owners are not personally liable for the company’s debts.
  • C Corporation: a business structure where the owner/s are not liable for the debts and take profits through their shares. This type of corporation pays taxes like owners pay tax on their dividends.
  • S Corporation: in this type of business structure, the income is given directly to the shareholders, and they are liable to pay taxes on their share of business income on their tax returns.

No.10 Ensure you register to pay taxes.

To be able to pay taxes, you must get an Employer Identification Number (EIN), or if you don’t have one, you can apply for it.

No.11 Business Registration

Register your business with local and state authorities.

No.12 Licenses, permits, and insurance

Check with your local city or county about required licenses and permits for operating a gutter cleaning business. Also, if you plan to hire employees, you must obtain liability insurance and consider workers’ compensation insurance.

No.13 Opening your business bank account

If you don’t already have one, open a business bank account. This is crucial for keeping personal and business finances separate.

No.14 Get Business Insurance 

You must complete this step because getting business insurance is vital to your success as an entrepreneur. It can only protect you from the things you cannot always predict.

Consider these types of insurance:

  • Business property insurance to cover your equipment and supplies.
  • Equipment breakdown insurance to cover the costs of replacing or repairing the broken equipment that is not functioning.
  • Worker’s compensation insurance to compensate employees if they are injured on the job.
  • Property insurance to cover your business premises.
  • Commercial auto insurance to protect your company’s vehicles.
  • Professional liability insurance will save you from clients’ claims.
  • BOP (Business owner’s policy) insurance is an all-in-one type of insurance. 

No.15 Financial planning about all expenses 

  • Equipment costs (ladders, safety gear, cleaning tools).
  • Vehicle expenses (if you need a dedicated vehicle),
  • Marketing materials, business registration fees, and insurance premiums. 
  • Other ongoing expenses, like fuel, vehicle maintenance, equipment replacement, marketing costs, insurance renewals, and employee salaries.

No.15 Funding

Determine how you will fund your startup costs. The funding of your gutter cleaning business might be through:

  • Self-funding via your savings or other assets.
  • For Bank loans, applying for approval requires a solid business plan and a good credit history.
  • SBA- guaranteed loans that can act as your grantor 
  • Crowdfunding like Indiegogo or Kickstarter.
  • Government grants because there are numerous financial programs to help entrepreneurs.

Besides these options, you can also ask close friends and family to provide you with the needed load. Or, you can propose they invest in your business plan and also have some profit from it.

No.15 Marketing, branding, and advertising 

If you have one, create a logo and branding for your marketing materials, uniforms, and company vehicles. In addition, develop an online presence by building your professional website and creating accounts on popular social media platforms for an even bigger customer reach. 

Without a social media presence (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other popular platforms), there is a huge possibility that your gutter cleaning business won’t succeed. 

Concerning advertising your gutter cleaning business, consider spreading flyers, arranging for a local newspaper ad, or connecting with local real estate agents or property managers. You can also encourage referrals with excellent service and a referral discount program.

No.16 Make connections and network

Remember that even though you might want to avoid networking and offering your gutter cleaning business services to your connections, there is a lot of potential. 

Sometimes, you’ll meet people who are not so fond of online marketing and want to hear a recommendation about such services directly from people. Also, consider networking with people who’ve worked in the gutter cleaning business for some time and can offer you great tips and tricks with insights on the industry operations.

No.17 Choose your team wisely

You cannot operate this business alone, and you’ll need a good team around you for your business to grow. When hiring your employees, make sure that they are qualified for the services your gutter cleaning business would offer;

  • Qualified gutter cleaners
  • General manager
  • Marketing and sales strategist

No.18 Training:

If you hire employees, ensure they are properly trained in gutter cleaning and safety procedures. Here’s a detailed look at the types of training necessary:

Technical Skills Training

  • Gutter Cleaning Techniques – Train on the most effective methods to remove leaves, nests, and debris from gutters and downspouts. This includes using hand tools, such as scoops and brushes, and power tools, like pressure washers.
  • Gutter and Roof Inspection – Understanding how to assess the state of gutters and roofs can enable workers to identify potential issues or additional service opportunities, such as repairs or gutter guard installation.
  • Use of Tools and Equipment – Proper handling and operation of ladders, pressure washers, and other cleaning tools are crucial. Misuse can lead to property damage or incomplete cleaning.
  • Waste Disposal – Training on the environmentally responsible disposal of gutter waste and adherence to local regulations regarding waste disposal.

Safety Training

  • Ladder Safety – Extensive training on ladder placement, securing, and safe climbing practices. This is critical as falls from ladders can result in serious injury.
  • Fall Protection – Use harnesses and anchoring systems when working from heights and training on properly wearing and using personal fall arrest systems.
  • First Aid – Basic first aid training, including CPR, to address any potential accidents promptly.
  • Handling Chemicals – If the business uses any chemicals for cleaning, training on proper handling, storage, and disposal is necessary to comply with Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) standards.

Customer Service Training

  • Interpersonal Skills – Effective communication with clients, listening to their needs, and responding to their concerns professionally.
  • Upselling Services – Training on identifying opportunities for additional services and articulating the value to customers.
  • Conflict Resolution –  Dealing with dissatisfied customers or complaints in a way that is constructive and maintains the business’s reputation.

Business Operations Training

  • Scheduling and job estimation – Teach employees how to accurately estimate the time and cost of a job and schedule jobs efficiently.
  • Invoicing and payment processing – Handling billing, invoicing, and payment collection professionally and accurately.

Continuous education with workshops and Seminars

  • Attendance at industry workshops and seminars can keep workers up to date with the latest gutter-cleaning technologies and business practices.
  • Pursuing relevant certifications can provide credibility and increase building maintenance and safety standards knowledge.

Quality Control

When starting a gutter cleaning business, you must establish quality control measures to ensure consistent service delivery. Quality control in a gutter cleaning business ensures that the services are delivered to high standards. 

You should consider numerous aspects:

  • Develop a checklist for assessing the job site before beginning work, including identifying potential safety hazards and pre-existing damage to report to the homeowner.
  • A step-by-step checklist for the cleaning process ensures that every part of the system is attended to, from the roofline to the downspouts.
  • After cleaning, a detailed inspection should ensure that gutters are clear and aligned and that water flows correctly.
  • Implement a system for gathering customer feedback immediately after service completion; this could be a digital survey sent via email or a follow-up call.
  • Periodic calls or communications to ensure the customer is satisfied with the service and to address any concerns that may arise after the job.
  • Always monitor online reviews and respond professionally to positive and negative feedback, using it as a tool for continuous improvement.
  • Monitor the performance of employees.
  • Conduct unannounced spot checks during jobs to ensure employees follow proper procedures and maintain quality standards.
  • Regular performance reviews with employees help identify areas for improvement and reinforce the importance of quality control.
  • Provide regular training sessions to update teams on new techniques, equipment, and safety protocols.
  • Encourage and facilitate employees to obtain professional certifications, improving service quality and enhancing the company’s credibility.
  • Regular maintenance schedule by keeping all equipment and tools well-maintained to avoid malfunctions affecting job quality.
  • Stay informed about new technologies and tools to improve service quality and invest in them when appropriate.
  • Offer a service guarantee and make it easy for customers to report issues. Address any follow-up work promptly.
  • Implement a follow-up service schedule for clients to ensure that gutter systems remain in good condition.
  • Keep detailed records of each job, including before-and-after photos, to document the quality of work.
  • Have a system for reporting and reviewing incidents or near-misses to improve future performance.
  • Compliance with the industry standards, following the best practices and standards, and staying updated with changes or developments.

What type of ladder is best for cleaning gutters?

The best type of ladder for cleaning gutters is an extendable ladder, such as an extension ladder or a telescopic ladder, that can safely reach the height of your gutters. 

If you are looking for what things to consider before investing in one, here are some tips:

  • Height – The ladder must extend at least three feet over the gutter line so that you can safely reach it without standing on the top rungs, which is unsafe.
  • Stability –  Look for ladders with wide-flared legs for stability. A ladder stabilizer or standoff can also be attached to the ladder to increase strength and prevent the ladder from damaging the gutters.
  • Material – Fiberglass ladders are non-conductive, making them a safer choice if the gutters are near electrical wires, whereas aluminum ladders are lightweight and easy to move.
  • Duty Rating – Ensure the ladder has the proper duty rating to support your weight and any tools you carry. 
  • TypeArticulated ladders that can be transformed into different shapes and sizes can be useful if the ground is uneven or you need to work around landscaping.
  • Accessories – Consider ladders that can be fitted with accessories such as platforms for holding a bucket or tools, making the job easier and safer.

How much do most people charge to clean gutters?

The cost of gutter cleaning services always varies and depends on factors such as the length of the gutters, the height of the house, and the level of debris buildup. Also, the prices for gutter cleaning have a different range in each of the states around the US; for example,

  • In California, from $140-$270
  • In Texas, from $130-$250
  • In Florida, from $110-$260
  • In New York, from $120-$230
  • In Illinois, from $100-$170
  • In Massachusetts, from $120-$240

However, the average gutter cleaning costs run around $162.

Here’s a summary of what you can expect:

Per Linear Foot Costing:

The national average for gutter cleaning is approximately $0.80 per linear foot. 

how to start a gutter cleaning business
how to start a gutter cleaning business

The cost to clean gutters for single-story homes is around $0.40 per foot, and for houses with several stories, that cost might be even higher than $2.00 per foot.

Let’s not forget to clean the downpipes, which might add another $50 to $100 to the project.

Costs for Downpipe (Downsprout) Installation

The average cost of installing downspouts (for example, four downspouts 12 feet long) is $480. The price for premium or cooper downspouts can reach up to $1,800. However, remember that the largest portion of this cost is the downspout material fee, while the labor costs range from $50 to $200.

Typical Cost Range

A common range for gutter cleaning costs is between $119 and $228, with the national average being about $163. The price is influenced by the house’s height and gutter length​​.

Average Costs

The national average cost to clean gutters can range from $200 to $400, with most people paying around $300 to clean 150 linear feet of gutters on a two-story house. For 100 linear feet of gutter on a single-story home with no significant buildup, the cost may be as low as $70​​.

Floor-wise Pricing:

You might pay between $0.65 to $1.25 per linear foot for cleaning the first floor and $1.30 to $2.55 for the second floor. Homes with three stories or more may cost upwards of $500​​.

Average Gutter Cleaning Prices

Generally, gutter cleaning services may cost between $70 and $225, ranging from a single-story or two-story home with 200 feet of gutters. 

The average gutter cleaning prices may range from $170 to $425 if the home has three or more stories.

The low end of professional gutter cleaning services may charge around $100 to $120, while the high end can be $375 to $500​​.

Quick Note: Keep in mind that not all homes are built the same (equally), and some gutters might be higher or harder to reach out. Also, if some overhanging trees make it difficult for gutter cleaners to do their job, you can charge an additional fee.

Hiring a professional gutter cleaning service or doing it yourself,

This dilemma pops up in your mind when cleaning your home gutters, which is normal. To some, the prices we’ve enlisted above might seem a lot for a job like this, thinking they can and should do it themselves. 

The objective still stands that if you want to DIY, there is a risk when working on tall ladders, and you’ll still need to invest in the required equipment. You’ll need an extension ladder (prices range from $100 to $500).

Is gutter cleaning a profitable business?

Gutter cleaning can be profitable, and there are several factors based on which this type of business depends.

Note: In the US, the average revenue of a gutter-cleaning business can be around $50-70k per year.

  • Work demand

There is a recurring need for gutter cleaning services in regions with trees and seasonal weather changes. High demand can lead to more business opportunities.

  • Initiation and operating costs

The initial investment for a gutter cleaning business can be relatively low, particularly if you already have the necessary equipment. This can include ladders, safety gear, and cleaning tools. Let’s not forget the ongoing expenses, which include transportation, equipment maintenance, insurance, and labor if you hire employees. 

  • Pricing Strategy

Competitive pricing can attract more customers, but it’s important to price services to cover costs, and desired profit margins are important.

  • Business Model

Consider offering additional services such as roof cleaning, repair services, or installing gutter guards, which can increase average transaction size and customer retention.

  • Efficiency

Streamlining operations to serve more customers in less time without compromising quality can enhance profits.

  • Seasonality:

The business might be seasonal in certain regions, impacting annual earnings. Diversifying services can help offset seasonal fluctuations.

  • Customer Service

Good customer service leads to repeated business and referrals, which are key to long-term profitability.

To assess the exact profitability, one must conduct market research, create a business plan, and perform financial projections based on local conditions and personal business goals.

What are the CONS of a gutter cleaning business?

Starting and operating a gutter cleaning business has challenges and disadvantages, like any other business. 

By now, you already know that the advantages of having this business are making good money as a small entrepreneur; however, nobody talks about the potential cons:

  • Seasonal demand and weather dependency

Gutter cleaning is often weather-dependent, with the market peaking in autumn and spring. Inclement weather can also delay or cancel scheduled jobs.

  • Inconsistency about profit

Due to its seasonal nature, there may be lower-demand months, leading to inconsistent income streams.

  • Physical risks and strains:

Working at heights increases the risk of falls and related injuries, leading to compensation claims and insurance costs. The gutter cleaning job is physically demanding, requiring climbing, reaching, and sometimes heavy lifting, which can lead to fatigue and injury.

  • Competition risks leading to price undercutting

In some areas, the market may be saturated with gutter cleaning services, making it harder to establish a client base. High competition may lead to price undercutting, which can reduce profit margins.

  • Entry and Operational Costs

This con refers to equipment investments and transportation. The initial costs for equipment and a reliable vehicle can be substantial, particularly if high-end tools or specialized vehicles are required. Also, remember that other continuous expenses, such as maintenance, fuel, insurance, and marketing, must be managed.

  • Regulatory Compliance

Before involving yourself in this business, this con is a MUST-CONSER factor because it can be costly and time-consuming. In addition to this, remember that there is a potential for property damage or accidents, which can result in legal liability and the need for robust insurance policies.

  • Customer Management:

Managing customer expectations and complaints can be challenging and time-consuming.

  • Non-Payment Issues:

You must be prepared for times when there might be situations where customers would delay or fail to make payments for the services you’ve provided them. 

  • Continuous business management and administrative workload

Managing a gutter cleaning business involves significant administrative work, including scheduling, billing, and dealing with regulatory compliance.

The Success Story Jimmy Property Care business

The story of Jimmy is solid proof that anyone with an idea and dedication can start his own business and what it means to be your own boss.

We gathered some of his answers to questions on how he started and what’s next for him and his cleaning business.

how to start a gutter cleaning business
how to start a gutter cleaning business
how to start a gutter cleaning business
how to start a gutter cleaning business
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As a wrap-up, the success of your gutter cleaning business will depend on your thorough planning and execution.

Hopefully, this article gave you an insight into knowing more about what’s needed to start a business like gutter-cleaning, as it doesn’t look as naive as it may sound.

This kind of business can be a profitable one, but remember that at the same time, you’ll need to fulfill legal requirements and focus on strategic financial planning, effective marketing, and efficient operations.

Now, we leave it all up to you to take the first step today toward building a thriving gutter-cleaning company, or you’ll think twice before you commit to something like this.

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Khyati is an entrepreneur, marketing consultant, and a personal finance expert.Building on her achievements, Khyati wrote two acclaimed books: "Failure's Gold," exploring success through hardship, and "Tomorrow's Wallet" on the future of money management.Her work has also been featured by LinkedIn, PPC Hero, Social Pilot, and Training Mag.Khyati has managed over $50M in marketing budgets across various industries including technology, finance, education, retail, consumer goods and more - successfully delivering over 15x ROI for her clients.Khyati has managed over $50M in marketing budgets across various industries including technology, finance, education, retail, consumer goods and more – successfully delivering over 15x ROI for her clients.
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