How To Start An eCommerce Business In 2024: Best Guide For Beginners

Khyati Hooda
By Khyati Hooda 35 Min Read

Unlock the doors of opportunity and step into the ever-expanding universe of e-commerce, where digital storefronts and virtual marketplaces open up a world of possibilities. 

But do you know how to start an ecommerce business?

Well, an ecommerce business starts by identifying a niche or product that matches your passion. You need to conduct thorough research on your audience and competitors. Once you’ve decided on your products, create a business plan. 

This plan includes your objectives, marketing approaches, financial allocation, and revenue predictions.

From crafting a captivating brand and building a stunning online presence to navigating the logistics of inventory management and customer satisfaction, I will guide you through the exhilarating process of how to start an ecommerce business.

Key Takeaways

  • Choose A Business Model – There are four types of business models such as B2B, B2C, C2B,  and C2C. Choose the one that suits your needs.
  • Figure Out Potential Products – Choose products that deeply connect with a specific demographic.
  • Research Your Competition – Pick seven to ten competitors and define their competitive edge. Do a SWOT analysis.
  • Create A Business Plan – Identify your audience and generate ideas for engagement. Outline the timing, locations, and methods you intend to employ in the coming months to execute your plans.
  • Choose A Logo & Business Name – Create a suitable business or brand name. Choose a logo style that represents your brand’s essence.
  • Establish Your Business – Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN). You can acquire an EIN from the IRS online or via mail, fax, or phone.
  • Launch Your Ecommerce Website – There are various eCommerce website builders such as BigCommerce, Shopify, WooCommerce, Wix, Ecwid, and Square.
  • Create Order Fulfillment System – Decide whether to delegate the task of the order fulfillment system to an ecommerce fulfillment center or select a service like Fulfillment by Amazon.
  • Define Your Shipping Approach – You can offer free shipping, set flat-rate shipping fees, or implement real-time shipping rates from carriers.
  • Use Sales Channels – You can sell on your domain or use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.
  • Sales And Marketing – You can participate in sending email campaigns to past and potential customers. Refine your business website for search engines to enhance its visibility. Additionally, consider using influencer marketing as a means to endorse your products.
  • Tracking – Carefully monitor your metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) as your business grows.

How To Start An Ecommerce Business In 11 Steps

Starting an ecommerce business is easier than it seems. Let us look at the step-by-step process of how to start an ecommerce business:

1. Choose A Specific Niche And Delivery Method

An ecommerce business sells physical items, digital products, or even professional services. Whatever direction you choose, it’s important to shape your e-commerce plan.

how to start an ecommerce business

Identify a specific product or niche market you want to focus on and select a niche with demand and growth potential. The more narrow your product niche, the less competition you’ll face.

You should seek a niche that balances between being large enough to house a substantial target audience and being small enough to avoid heavy competition.

It’s important to align your eCommerce business model with your niche, as not all models suit every product category. There are four types of business models to consider:

  • Business-to-business (B2B) is where businesses sell their products or services to other businesses.
  • Business-to-customer (B2C) is where a business sells its products or services directly to consumers.
  • Customer-to-business (C2B) is where individuals sell their talents or products to companies.
  • Customer-to-customer (C2C) involves online marketplaces that bring together folks looking to buy and sell stuff.

You also need to consider specific delivery methods to get your products or services out there. Here are a few delivery methods:

  • Direct-to-consumer – You sell your creations straight to customers, with no middlemen involved.
  • Wholesaling – You buy products in bulk at a discount from a retailer and sell them on your website.
  • Private label – You team up with a manufacturer to make a product only you sell.
  • White label – It involves branding a generic product you buy from a distributor.
  • Subscription – Regularly sending things to loyal customers who love convenience.

As you set up your online venture, consider these options to create a solid game plan!

2. Identify Product Opportunities & Decide What To Offer

Figure out what products you want to sell directly to consumers. Select a collection of products or one unique item in demand and unavailable in regular stores or big online marketplaces such as Amazon.

how to start an ecommerce business

It is important to check if your product ideas are in demand. You can do so by searching for them on Google Trends. It will help you discover their popularity and potential.

Choose specific items that resonate with a particular group of people. Also, include potential products you could imagine selling in your online shop.

You should identify a distinct product category within your niche industry. Let’s break down the process of refining your niche and product offering to reduce competition:

  • Begin with a broad market, such as the one related to cats, where you can develop products.
  • Identify a subsegment of that market with fewer competitors. In this instance, the cat fashion industry significantly reduces competitive pressure. Since “cats” still represent a broad category, you can further refine it to focus solely on cat fashion.
  • Retailers within this niche may vary in terms of style and production methods. If you create cat clothing, you can consider specializing in handmade pet apparel for cats.

See how Catcurio is selling cat clothes in their store – 

how to start an ecommerce business

You can browse social platforms like Pinterest, Etsy, and even Instagram to gather even more ideas about what to sell.

3. Thoroughly Research Your Competition

Now, it’s time to research your competition. Knowing about your competitors can help you create a unique business.

how to start an ecommerce business

First, pick around 7 to 10 direct and indirect competitors and then create a spreadsheet. Figure out where your competitors position themselves. You need to define their competitive edge and what they’re bringing. Also, check how they’re promoting their products.

Identify any unmet needs in the market that you believe your product or service can address. Don’t be disheartened even if you’re entering a space with existing offerings. Instead, aim to deliver that product or service in a manner that sets you apart from the competition.

After pinpointing your position in the market and the value you intend to offer customers, you must perform a SWOT analysis. It will help you evaluate your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats compared to your competitors.

You can control strengths and weaknesses through your reputation, company culture, partnerships, assets, intellectual property, customer base, and geography.

However, you can’t control opportunities and threats but can prepare for them, such as your competitors, market size, trends, economic conditions, suppliers’ presence, regulations, and financing gaps.

4. Craft A Business Plan

Once you’re done with the research, it’s time to create your business plan. Think of a business plan that combines all your ideas and concepts. It should contain your goals and the route you’ll take in terms of finances, operations, and marketing.

You can create a buyer persona and know about your target audience. Further, brainstorm strategies for reaching your audience. Write the details, like when, where, and how you plan to move in the upcoming months of your ecommerce journey.

Here’s a rough sketch of what your business plan should cover:

  • Introduce your company and its mission, which consists of your core values & goals as a business
  • Dive into a thorough market analysis
  • Competitive research that signifies your competitors & their tactics
  • Business roadmap on scaling your business
  • Outline the structure and organization of your business
  • List out the products and services you’ll offer
  • Highlight your unique selling proposition (USP)
  • Do customer segmentation to understand your various audience segments
  • Define your marketing game plan
  • Create your logistics and operations strategy
  • Write your financial plan
  • Projections on your profit goals, pricing and sales strategy, & investor details.

Remember that a business plan should be updated regularly to reflect the evolving nature of your ecommerce business. It will serve as a roadmap for your business’s growth and development.

5. Choose A Logo And Name

Now, create a business name that resonates with your brand, products, or services.

You can brainstorm with friends or family for business name ideas. Aim for a name that stands out. Keep it concise and easy to remember.

You need to work on your visual identity. Decide on the style of your logo. For this, you can get inspiration from already-created logos. Pick the type of logo that best represents your brand.

Select a color palette that speaks to your identity & select a font that matches your brand’s tone.

Give your logo a final touch by refining its design until it’s right. Your logo will be the visual cornerstone of your brand, so make sure it reflects your essence perfectly.

If you don’t have graphic designing skills, you can hire a professional designer to bring this concept to life and ensure it aligns with your brand’s values and image.

6. Apply For Employer Identification Number And Check For Licenses & Permits

Once you finish the logo and name, apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN). You can quickly obtain an EIN from the IRS via mail, fax, or phone. Although not every business requires an EIN, having one can help keep your personal and business finances separate.

how to start an ecommerce business

Also, you can set up a dedicated business checking account. It’s good to have a separate bank account just for business transactions.

Check the licenses and permits your city or state might require. It typically includes a business license, and if your business involves providing services, you might need an occupational license.

Check your state or local government website to determine your area’s requirements. It will ensure that you’re operating within the legal boundaries of your region.

7. Set Up Your Online Store

Now, you must choose a platform and get your eCommerce store up and running. You can find various options for eCommerce website builders like BigCommerce, Shopify, WooCommerce, Wix, Ecwid, and Square.

how to start an ecommerce business

When you’re choosing an online platform for ecommerce business, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Some platforms are best for beginners (like Shopify), whereas some are best for large enterprises (like Magento). So, please choose according to your needs and business size.
  • Your familiarity with web development and maintenance will influence your choice.
  • Look for features like SEO and marketing tools that help you reach your target audience.
  • Check if the ecommerce platform can integrate with other software you plan to use, such as accounting or marketing tools.
  • Make sure the platform can grow with your business.
  • Consider transaction fees and supported payment gateways.
  • Some platforms are more cost-effective for small businesses, while others are designed for larger enterprises.

Ultimately, the best platform for your e-commerce business will depend on your specific needs & goals. It’s a good idea to start with a platform that aligns with your current requirements and can accommodate your future growth.

Additionally, you can sell on various marketplaces, crowdfunding platforms, or other creative eCommerce avenues.

I suggest starting with one approach and incorporating additional channels as your business grows. Similarly, if a particular channel doesn’t meet your needs, you can discontinue it.

how to start an ecommerce business

You can also sell on existing platforms with established traffic, such as Amazon, Etsy, etc.

8. Develop A System For Order Fulfillment

You will find many e-commerce website builders with a feature for printing shipping labels. It is the initial step in order fulfillment. Some platforms even allow you to include shipping costs on customers’ orders during checkout.

how to start an ecommerce business

If you decide to take charge of order fulfillment independently, research shipping rates to understand the potential costs.

Consider an online store builder that streamlines the shipping process or explores various shipping software solutions to make things smoother.

In addition, you can outsource this process to an e-commerce fulfillment center or opt for a service like Fulfillment by Amazon.

9. Choose Your Shipping Strategy

As you approach the launch of an ecommerce business, a few shipping and fulfillment aspects require your attention. 

how to start an ecommerce business

There are different models within the ecommerce industry that have their shipping approach:

  • The Retail Arbitrage model involves purchasing items from physical stores and reselling them online at a higher price. Here, the arbitrageur (reseller) packages the items, purchases shipping labels, and sends the products to the customers.
  • Wholesaling is an e-commerce approach in which you sell products in large quantities to retailers. Here, in some cases, wholesalers may take responsibility for shipping the products to the retailers or customers. In other scenarios, the responsibility for shipping falls on the retailer or customer buying the products at wholesale. They arrange and pay for the shipping and may select their preferred shipping method and carrier.
  • Dropshipping is an e-commerce model where you sell products without inventory. When customers place orders on your website, you contact the supplier, who handles the shipping process.
  • In the Print on Demand model, the print-on-demand service prints the customized products and ships them to customers.
  • In the DTC (Direct-to-Consumer) model, shipping is done by ecommerce stores that produce and directly ship their products to end consumers.
  • Private labeling businesses partner with third-party manufacturers to create products according to their specifications and branding. The shipping responsibility lies with the business.
  • White labeling businesses purchase bulk products from manufacturers and then rebrand them with their company name and logo. Here also, the shipping responsibility lies with the business.
  • Subscription-based businesses offer products or services on a recurring basis, often in the form of monthly curated product boxes or subscriptions to streaming services, software-as-a-service (SaaS), online courses & exclusive clubs. 

Regarding physical products like subscription boxes, the business handles the shipping and fulfillment process. This includes packaging the subscription items, labeling them, and shipping them to the customer’s address.

If you use an eCommerce website builder, assess whether it provides features for printing shipping labels or includes shipping costs in customers’ orders.

Also, evaluate the expenses associated with shipping products and determine if there are destinations where sending goods may not be financially viable.

Let us look at some strategies for the shipping process:

  • Choose reliable shipping carriers and partners, considering cost, speed, and service quality. Some common options include FedEx, UPS, USPS, DHL, and regional carriers.
  • Shipping carriers offer various shipping options for different customer preferences, including standard, express, and international shipping.
  • Negotiate shipping rates with your carriers, especially if you expect high shipping volume. These negotiations can result in cost savings.
  • Clearly define your shipping policies, including estimated delivery times, shipping costs, and any restrictions.
  • Create a clear returns and exchanges policy to handle items that customers want to return. Consider prepaid return labels for convenience.

You can also offer free shipping, set flat-rate shipping fees, or implement real-time shipping rates from carriers.

10. Set Marketing & Sales Goals

how to start an ecommerce business

Once you’re done with the shipping process, you need to set your marketing and sales goals.

Craft A Buyer Persona

A buyer persona represents your ideal customer. It’s a detailed profile that helps you better understand & connect with your target audience.

Buyer personas are used in marketing and sales to create more effective strategies. They provide insights into your customers’ behaviors, preferences, and motivations.

Here are key elements typically included in a buyer persona:

  • Customer demographics like age, gender, income, education, marital status, and location
  • Customer goals and objectives, personal values and interests with challenges & pain-points
  • Their content preferences, preferred online channels, and buying behavior
  • Brands or products your customer currently uses
  • Check out if the customer is a decision-maker, influencer, or end-user.

The more accurate your buyer personas are, the better you can target your marketing efforts and ultimately drive conversions.

Inbound Sales Strategy

Inbound sales strategies for ecommerce businesses involve attracting and engaging potential customers through various online channels, nurturing those leads, & converting them into paying customers.

You can use a variety of channels to reach your customer base. If you maintain a blog, extend its reach by promoting it across multiple social media platforms. Share niche-related content on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube.

Then, experiment with diverse strategies within your marketing approach, such as exploring Instagram marketing or collaborating with affiliate marketers. You can also consider using shoppable landing pages to simplify the purchasing process for your customers.

Create valuable, informative, & engaging content related to your products or industry. This can include blog posts, videos, infographics, and more. Utilize SEO practices to optimize your content for search engines to attract organic traffic.

Many e-commerce website builders come with built-in marketing functionalities. It enables you to create social media advertisements or dispatch emails to customers who have left their shopping carts behind.

Here are different marketing and sales techniques for your ecommerce business:

  • You can upload your products on external marketplaces such as Amazon and Instagram and share them through social media content or paid social media advertisements.
  • Optimize your business site for search engines to improve its visibility and discoverability.
  • Another approach is influencer marketing, where you pay social media creators to promote your products.
  • You can also send email campaigns to previous and potential customers.

You need to build an email list of interested leads and send them personalized, relevant content and offers. In addition, you can implement email automation to send follow-ups, abandoned cart reminders, and product recommendations.

If you have a budget, you can spend your money on advertising. Invest in paid search advertisements, such as Google Ads, to appear in search results when potential customers are looking for your products. 

Don’t forget to optimize your ad campaigns for keywords and demographics that align with your target audience.

how to start an ecommerce business

You need to continuously test different elements of your website, ad campaigns, and landing pages. Also, optimize based on the results to improve conversion rates.

Use Of CRM Platform

Consider investing in a customer relationship management (CRM) platform to streamline your marketing endeavors if possible. 

It collects in-depth data on your customers’ demographics, preferences, & behaviors to deliver the right messages to the right audience at the right time, thus increasing conversion rates.

11. Monitor And Track Your Business Metrics

Now, the final step is to closely track your metrics & key performance indicators (KPIs) as your business expands. Try various digital marketing strategies to attract more traffic to your brand.

Check out various tasks of managing inventory, handling logistics, and conducting marketing efforts. Ensure that your shipping & fulfillment processes are running smoothly for every customer.

Now, you are aware of how to start an ecommerce business. So, let us look at the strategies for running a successful ecommerce business.

Should You Develop An Ecommerce Business Plan?

An ecommerce business plan includes your business objectives and aims. It analyzes your selected niche industry and competitors and then pinpoints the necessary planning resources.

You need to compose an executive summary that offers an overview of the key elements within your business plan. You should mention your selected industry, business mission, competition, business objectives, and financial status.

Alongside the company description, elaborate on your current business operations. List out all your business partners and employees. Also, mention your business’s legal structure.

You need to perform market research. This market analysis discusses your target audience, their purchasing behaviors and patterns, competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, industry trends and prospects, and your business’s position in this context.

Then, craft a marketing strategy. Identify the channels that align with your consumer demographic. Determine the locations of your potential customers. Formulate marketing tactics and employ them to engage your customer base.

Lastly, you need to create a financial plan for your business. It includes financial forecasts and statements that showcase your business’s financial standing and project your future position.

Let us look at some tips for running a successful ecommerce business.

What You Need To Remember To Run A Successful Ecommerce Business?

how to start an ecommerce business

There are many tips for running a successful ecommerce business. Here are they:

  • First, select a niche that aligns with your passion and caters to an audience willing to invest in your offerings.
  • Conduct market research to learn about your niche, target audience, and preferences.
  • Deliver top-notch and best-quality products that meet your customer’s expectations.
  • Then, craft a well-structured, user-friendly website that offers seamless navigation.
  • Make sure your website is optimized for mobile usage and transactions.
  • Use social media platforms to showcase merchandise, engage clientele, and run focused advertising initiatives.
  • Request your customers for customer reviews and testimonials.
  • Communicate with your customers on return and refund policies.
  • Also, provide customer support through diverse channels such as live chat, email, and phone.
  • Build an email list & use email marketing to keep customers in the loop on new items, promotions, and updates.
  • Now, analyze website traffic, sales statistics, and customer behavior to check trends and make well-informed business decisions.

Let us look at the cost of starting an ecommerce business in the next section.

What Are The Costs To Start An Ecommerce Business?

You might be thinking, how much does it cost to start an ecommerce business? Well, here I have mentioned a breakthrough of the cost that an ecommerce business incurs:

how to start an ecommerce business
  • Subscription costs for online store builders are $25 to $30 per month when billed annually.
  • Payment processing fees are approximately 3% of each online sale.
  • If you use an order fulfillment service offering storage, you must invest in your warehouse space.
  • You’ll reimburse a third-party service to carry out each order, with charges based on the dimensions and weight of the items.
  • Recurring monthly or yearly charges for accounting software, business insurance, potential employees or contractors you intend to hire, and other related costs. Additionally, you might have to allocate funds for small-business taxes.

Let us now know how to launch an ecommerce business without money.

How To Start An Ecommerce Business Without Money

how to start an ecommerce business

Starting an ecommerce business without money may hold challenges, but it’s possible if you start with the right strategy. Let us see the tips:

  • Go with the niche that aligns with your passions and exhibits promising demand. To refine your focus, you must explore trends, your target demographic, and the competitive landscape.
  • You need to consider adopting dropshipping or print-on-demand models, which permit sales without inventory management. Do research on the suppliers that offer these solutions.
  • Define your business objectives, pinpoint your target audience, write effective marketing tactics, and estimate projected expenses.
  • Craft a user-friendly website using platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or Wix. Use budget-friendly themes to match your brand’s identity.
  • Then, compose captivating product descriptions, generate visually appealing images, and craft videos to showcase your offerings.
  • Use the full potential of social media platforms for product promotion. Establish dedicated business profiles, maintain consistent posting, and interact with your followers.
  • I suggest creating YouTube Videos and YouTube Shorts and linking your product links with the videos.
  • Use the free tools for keyword research, social media scheduling, and email marketing tasks.
  • Learn fundamental SEO techniques to enhance your website’s discoverability on search engines and attract organic traffic.
  • Also, go for partnerships with small businesses or influencers within your niche. It will help you extend your reach without advertisements.
  • Write a blog with valuable content related to your niche. It positions you as a trusted authority and has the potential to draw organic traffic.
  • You need to exercise exceptional customer service to cultivate trust and stimulate repeat business. Word-of-mouth referrals can also serve as a potent marketing asset.

Real-life Examples Of Ecommerce Stores

Goodfair is an ecommerce store with a unique mission – to rescue clothing destined for landfills. Instead of offering individual items for sale, they offer customers the opportunity to purchase mystery bundles. 

Through this eco-conscious approach, Goodfair is significantly reshaping the preloved fashion market and challenging the prevailing fast fashion culture.

how to start an ecommerce business

Uppercase magazine presents captivating articles and imagery centered around craftsmanship, fashion, illustration, and design. 

All of the items are thoughtfully packaged in a beautifully printed format. This online store is dedicated to producing visually stunning and inspiring books tailored for creative spirits.

how to start an ecommerce business

Kulala provides innovative technology to enhance the quality of people’s sleep. The Kulala Baby Sleep Lamp offers adjustable brightness and can be effortlessly controlled with a simple touch. 

Each lamp is handcrafted, which results in distinct variations in color and wood grain to ensure a unique touch to every piece.

how to start an ecommerce business

Cocofloss is a subscription-based enterprise offering curated boxes of oral care essentials, including dental floss and toothbrushes. 

They deliver delightful, eco-conscious, and effective oral care to protect smiles.

how to start an ecommerce business

Now, let us have some FAQs on how to start an ecommerce business.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) On How To Start An Ecommerce Business

1. How do I start a small ecommerce business?

You can start a small ecommerce business by following these steps:

  • Identify potential product opportunities & make decisions about your product selection
  • Research your competitors & formulate a solid business plan
  • Select a name and logo for your brand, and establish your online store
  • Decide your shipping approach and define objectives for sales and marketing
  • Finally, launch your business.

2. How much does it cost to start an ecommerce?

Creating an ecommerce website can involve expenses between $30 and $10,000, depending upon your specific business requirements and expertise.

3. What is the 1st step to start an e-commerce business?

You need first to decide your business model. Whether you want a B2B, B2C, C2B, or C2C business model. Then, explore potential products for sale or sourcing. Pick a business name, complete government registration & acquire necessary permits and licenses. Then, decide on an ecommerce platform, construct your website, upload your product inventory, initiate the launch, and begin marketing your business.

4. What are the ecommerce business ideas?

Let us look at the ecommerce business ideas:

  • Smart home products & accessories
  • 3D assets stores
  • Online grocery & foods
  • Smartwatches
  • Video doorbells
  • Online fitness coaching
  • Pet foods
  • Fashion/Jewelry product market
  • AR/VR headsets, apps, & accessories store
  • Selfie drones
  • Natural products

5. Name the ecommerce business examples.

Here are ecommerce business examples:

  • TOMS
  • Everlane
  • ModCloth
  • Birchbox
  • Warby Parker
  • Leesa
  • Greats
  • ASOS

Final Thoughts On How To Start An Ecommerce Business

Starting an ecommerce business involves crucial stages for achieving success. It all starts by pinpointing a specific market segment and deciding on the products or services to provide.

You must establish a solid business plan and pick a distinctive brand name and domain. Then, use ecommerce platforms or marketplaces to create your online store.

You must evaluate diverse shipping and fulfillment alternatives and set up practical marketing approaches to attract customers. After launching, monitor metrics and KPIs to steer your progress and adjust strategies as needed.

Prioritize streamlined shipping and fulfillment processes to ensure a seamless customer journey through every phase.

I hope this article on how to start an ecommerce business sounds helpful!

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Khyati is an entrepreneur, marketing consultant, and a personal finance expert.Building on her achievements, Khyati wrote two acclaimed books: "Failure's Gold," exploring success through hardship, and "Tomorrow's Wallet" on the future of money management.Her work has also been featured by LinkedIn, PPC Hero, Social Pilot, and Training Mag.Khyati has managed over $50M in marketing budgets across various industries including technology, finance, education, retail, consumer goods and more - successfully delivering over 15x ROI for her clients.Khyati has managed over $50M in marketing budgets across various industries including technology, finance, education, retail, consumer goods and more – successfully delivering over 15x ROI for her clients.
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