How To Make Money As A Kid: 40 Easy Ways

Khyati Hooda
By Khyati Hooda 42 Min Read

One of the most common questions parents ask their children is, “How do you want to make money when you grow up?” Coming up with a good answer can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. So, in today’s post, we’ll explore how to make money as a kid.

Money is a big part of many people’s lives, and it can be an even bigger one for kids. Kids want to know what they can do to make money, just like their parents. Parents need to understand how they can help their kids make money. 

How can your parents help you make money as a kid? From being paid to deliver newspapers to doing chores in exchange for cash, we’ve got the perfect guide for creating more dough as a kid. You will learn how in this article.

The Importance of Making Money as a Kid

Children learn that adults exchange coins and bills when purchasing items when they grow. As these kids continue to make decisions, they will soon understand why people and things have value (purpose). These concepts form a foundation for understanding the importance of spending, sharing, or saving money.

Teaching kids how to handle money and make financial decisions is an important life skill that can be introduced as soon as they can count, alongside the difference between a “want” and a “need.”

How To Make Money As A Kid: 40 Easy Ways

One way you can make more money as a kid is by babysitting. For example, if someone has children the same age as yours, they may want to hire you to watch them while they’re out running errands or working late at night. You could also offer your services through sites like and sittercity, which allow parents looking for caregivers access to qualified candidates in their area with just one search.

Another great way would be getting paid to do surveys online on websites such as mturk or some task-oriented sites offered on Google’s home page. And the possibilities are endless.

The article is about how to make money as a kid. There are many ways that children can do this, but not all of them will work for you. The following are suggestions on what kids could try to earn extra cash.

Here are some money-making ideas kids can start TODAY.

1. Blogging

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Making money with your blog is possible in several ways. It all depends on your audience’s size and what kind of content you put out there. Some bloggers can quickly start making a decent income, but some take years to figure out their niche and grow an audience. All it takes is good content that people want to see. In addition to working as a kid blogger, your skills will develop with your work; most kids prefer this job to figure out how to make money as a kid.

  • One of the advantages of starting a blog is that there is no age requirement or rule.
  • There is no restriction on what you can write or when.

When you’re starting, writing about what you’re passionate about is essential. You’ll find an audience, and once your blog has a good following, it’ll be easier to begin looking at ways of monetizing your site and making money from blogging.

  • Your first step should be to register a domain name.
  • Suppose you buy hosting from Bluehost, Hostinger, Awardspace, or Googiehost.  You’ll receive a free domain name. Using this tool, you can check the availability of any domain name that you choose.
  • Bluehost is our number one recommendation for all new bloggers. They have fast servers, offer hosting for only $2.95 a month, and include a FREE domain name.
  • Check out my How To Start a Blog tutorial to learn how to get your blog running in less than 30 minutes.
  • You may also want to check out Best AI Tools for Blog Posting for more AI tools to help you write better.

2. Participate in surveys

It is easy to complete online surveys, and you can make a lot of money with Survey Junkie on average, $350 per month. There are many other online survey sites like InboxDollar, Branded Surveys, Swagbucks, or MyPoints that could be worth your while.

Many companies have apps looking for honest answers to help advertisers understand who their demographics work best. Surveys within these apps are designed to gather data and make the survey-takers more aware of how they interact with ads and what messages they respond to most often.

Many survey sites are geared towards adults, but some want opinions from 12-year olds and younger. Either way, reward yourself for your time by filling out these surveys whenever possible. For example, Swagbucks and Survey Junkie will let you know if they need your opinion. If they do, you’ll get paid in cash or points- it’s up to you.

3. Online selling of used items

We all have old clothes or toys we no longer want to use. Why not sell them online? It’s easy. Create a listing, set your price, and ship the items off when sold. 

You just need permission from your parents first. Some people might not be aware of the benefits their home can offer. One way to use your space more effectively is by selling your unwanted stuff online through sites like eBay. Packing everything up won’t be necessary since it will ship once you find a buyer. 

Check with your parents before getting started, though.

4. The Yard Service

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Kids who spend their days on the couch become lazy and like to vegetate during summers. Preventing such a phenomenon is an outdoor activity for kids. 

Engaging in these activities might be as simple as starting your child on house chores, making them feel invested in what they’re doing, and helping them find it enjoyable – even profitable. This small effort will enable them to learn how to make money as a kid.

For your little yard worker, here’s an age-appropriate chore schedule:

  1. Preschool years

Teaching your child about gardening is fun and has many benefits. Not only will they learn to use tools responsibly, but they will also enjoy the experience of growing their vegetables.

The following tasks are possible:

  • Grow quick-growing vegetables like lettuce, spinach, bush beans, and peas.
  • Pull weeds in the garden with a kid-sized watering can and water the park with a kid-sized watering can.
  • Planting a tree will allow you to watch it grow over time.
  • Caterpillars and snails can be found and collected.
  1. Kindergarten through sixth grade

Now you can teach your child more about plants and gardening, with plants that take longer to grow and safe tools for children.

So how to make money as a kid?

The following tasks are possible:

  • Plant more vegetables, herbs, annual flowers, and water with the garden hose.
  • Seedlings should be moved to bigger pots when they are young.
  • Mix salads with harvested vegetables; make indoor flower arrangements.
  • Make indoor flower arrangements; mix salads with harvested vegetables—ards for cash.
  • In the future, you can use clippers to trim shrubs and hoe garden weeds.
  1. Seventh grade through high school

Lawn and garden ideas can be promoted during this time. Besides new concepts, you can also help your child make some money by having them use a lawnmower. 

A 15-year old in Atlanta once raked in $49,000 with his lawn service while he was home from school because there were no jobs available after the 2008 recession. 

“I got into the business when I was 16 or 17,” Houghtalen says, who advises that 12-years old is a good time for starting out mowing due to safety reasons and being strong enough to do so. Without difficulty.”

The following tasks are possible:

  • Start with a push mower in sixth grade and work up to a riding mower in early adolescence; maintain the mower and prepare for winter properly.
  • Use gas- or electric-powered weed eaters and edgers, and prune trees.
  • Use compost on your garden soil, or build a see-through bin for better visuals to compost fruit and veggie scraps.

5. Babysitting

Babysitting is a classic job for kids, and if you’re wondering how to make money as a kid, you should look into this. It’s something that 13-year olds and up are typically capable of doing well.

You can advertise your services on social media or sign up with one of the many babysitting websites to keep customers coming in; these sites do all the advertising for you, making it easy to find them.

Prepare yourself

  • What is the proper way to change a diaper? What is the appropriate way to bathe a child? Before you start your new job, find out.
  • Keeping kids safe should be your top priority while babysitting. Knowing how to handle every situation, from a splinter to an emergency, is part of being a good babysitter.
  • Preparation for an event is best done before it occurs. Knowing where to find the poison control number gives you great peace of mind. You don’t have to worry about the child-eating poison since it’s unlikely they’ll eat it.
  • Making plans in advance can save you time and worry, even when it comes to something as simple as packing lunch. Are there any food allergies in the child’s family? Which foods pose a choking hazard to toddlers? While you prepare a meal, how will you ensure your young children and babies are safe and out of harm’s way?
  • You must give your time and attention to young children at all times. Plan out the day’s events, from when you’ll feed the kids to when they’ll nap and when they’ll go to bed. You should also schedule meals and naps for them regularly.
  • A babysitting training course or safety course is the best way to prepare for all types of babysitting situations. Community centers and hospitals may offer such courses. Talking to experienced babysitters can also help learn how they do things.

6. Jewelry making

Do you have a love for creating jewelry? If so, you could sell your jewelry creations online. Jewelry is a very lucrative business for anyone of any age. Some people do it on the side or as more of art, but others make jewelry as their primary job and sell them to stores, websites, etc.

Making and selling jewelry as a child will help them get accustomed to the idea of entrepreneurship early on in life. It teaches responsibility and allows them to think outside of themselves. When creating their products or marketing those made by other people who might not be able to make that trade exclusively due to age restrictions set forth by some businesses, such as schools.

So, if you’re interested, platforms like Etsy are full of handmade goods produced by kids and teenagers. Custom woven jewelry and hand-sculpted beads are trendy there. You can make some extra cash while feeding that creative urge simultaneously.

7. Get Started As A Photographer

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Photography goes hand-in-hand with new technology. Unsurprisingly, the latest photography trend involves any device capable of capturing images and video, such as a smartphone or tablet computer. 

Taking pictures anytime means more opportunities for pro photographers looking to make extra money on their own time (or while they are commuting).

Selling your photos can be lucrative with a strong portfolio of shots. Online stocks sites like Shutterstock allow freelance photographers to sell pictures without owning expensive equipment like camera gear and lighting kits. Photographers can upload their work online at these sites, where buyers will purchase rights by downloading your photo/video clip through one easy payment system.

8. Dog Walking

Dog walking is one of the most popular services a kid entrepreneur can provide. Dog owners are always looking for reliable walkers to help their canine companions get some exercise. 

However, not everyone with dogs has time in their schedule or energy levels to keep up with them as they need walks every day. Kids on your block may be willing and able to fill this gap by providing a dog-walking service near your home or office building. 

The best part about being a child entrepreneur? You don’t have any overhead costs because you’re just using what’s around you – space in your neighborhood, water from the tap, essential food ingredients for goodies (think peanut butter cups). What do kids ask for when they want something? 

They ask Mom and Dad instead of buying it themselves. So why should we use our own money at all then if there are other more creative ways?

9. Keeping Cars Clean

The car wash business has been booming for a few years now. Many people don’t have time to do the job themselves, so they hire someone else. You can make your own successful car wash and get ahead of this trend. This idea is perfect for being self-employed or working from home. Because it doesn’t require too much space or money upfront—a little water and soap will go a long way with this enterprise.

For many kids, that summer job is a way to make extra spending money. So many options are available for finding legitimate work and even more scams on the internet. 

Social media is the best place for kids looking for an easy but still productive job in their free time. Suppose you have made yourself stand out by investing in quality equipment or advertising your services well on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat.

In that case, this could be your ticket to making money during the school year, too. When applying these strategies to older teens wanting something more focused than babysitting or mowing lawns during the summer, you can learn how to make money as a kid.

So, try housekeeping as another option because they can do laundry themselves and clean bathrooms and kitchens, leading them to higher rates depending on if they advertise themselves as full-service car washers.

It is not uncommon for car detailers to charge over $100 to clean the inside and outside of a car. Over $15k in revenue could be yours by just having three clients per week.

10. Create a course online

You’d be surprised at how many people are willing to pay for online courses. If you have a skill that few people have, it’s not hard to create a successful practice. You can sell digital textbooks, create a membership site filled with guides and videos, or use other platforms like Teachable, making completing your course easy.

There are many avenues available to those who wish to create an online course in this day and age. One of the easiest ways is by using an e-learning platform such as Moodle or Blackboard

Various sites can be used for videoconferencing like Skype, which allows you to video chat with students in your class without actually having them physically present in front of you, and even use webinars through Google Hangouts or Adobe Connect, where they can see PowerPoint presentations presented live on the internet via their computer screens.

11. Flipping Products

Product flipping is a shockingly easy way to make money online. Thrift stores and flea markets sell high-priced items at dirt-low prices. While they may be used, most are still in good condition.

You can take those products with you, clean them up, and sell them on the Internet if you want to do an eBay flip like many sellers out there that earn a nice profit after only one sale.

12. Getting local gigs

Platforms such as Fiverr are viral among people looking for some extra side gigs. Most of the jobs on these sites involve running errands that people don’t want to do, like dropping off a few items at the store or raking leaves. 

Either way, apps, and sites connect you with potential employers in seconds- so most of the work is already done for you. It’s also a quick and easy way for kids can make some cash just by doing chores around their own house during their free time.

13. Online Tutor

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Students who are pretty good in school can use their knowledge to make money online and influence others on how to make money as a kid.

Tutoring sites are popular because they help struggling students connect with a tutor, usually from their age group. Unlike teachers, peer-to-peer interactions have been more helpful for this demographic of students.

Tutoring younger kids and struggling students allows you to teach others things along the way, but it also benefits your learning. It’s a win-win situation.

14. T-shirt sales

One of the most popular and profitable business ideas for kids is making t-shirts at home.

Kids can contact a printer to order just about any design they want, add their text over it, use iron-on transfers, and buy some blank shirts from an online retailer like Amazon.

They sell them to friends, and family members post them online via Etsy or other websites specializing in handmade items like Zazzle or RedBubble. People looking for something unique will find what they’re looking for.

15. Be an influencer

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Social media has become a full-time job for many people around the world. Teens and adults can sign up and cultivate an audience on any number of platforms.

As your following grows, you can monetize your accounts with brand sponsorships, ads, etc. Kids can also be influencers today. If you are a kid who wants to learn how to make money as a kid, then you should read this.

One of the most popular social media platforms to do this successfully is Instagram which requires users to be 13 years old before downloading it onto their phones or computer screens.

Other emerging platforms like TikTok are quickly becoming great places to make money.

16.  Review music for money

The music industry and artists’ ways of making money have changed. This means that they will need to find a new way to create and distribute their content while still making money on it.

One of these methods is to review music for cash as an alternative form of income generation.

Some companies offer free software or equipment such as guitars, microphones, synthesizers, etc., in exchange for product reviews and feedback on different products; others pay people per video watched or blog post-read-through.

17. Be a mystery shopper

Mystery shopping is a unique side hustle that requires you to check out popular stores around your local area. You have to act like a regular customer and give feedback on customer service, appearance, etc.

Usually, adults are the go-to for mystery shopping, but many kid-friendly stores exist. Many mystery shopping agencies specifically look for families with young kids who will be willing or able to shop in these types of places. 

All you’ll need to do is report back online about what happened during your visit and provide honest feedback about what was encountered at the store through an online form or survey questions if required by the site’s instructions.

18. Collectibles for sale online

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Natural collectibles like seashells, gems, and exotic rocks can be worth money. If you live near one of these areas, go forage or hunt and then sell your finds online.

You can sell anything. These may be old toys you might have played with as a child or items from your favorite TV show rather than seashells, gems, and exotic rocks. It also included vintage and antique items, art pieces, handmade crafts, and artwork. Depending on your interests or hobbies, you can find something to suit you. 

There are many different items for sale on the internet; some are more common than others, but there’s always something to buy and enjoy regardless of what it is!

There are the five best places to sell collectibles:

  1. Esty
  2. ArtFire
  3. eCrater
  4. Hand Made Artist’s Shop
  5. Folksy

19. Selling Your Art

There is no right or wrong way to go about life and creating art. Kids can be just as many artists as adults, so why not sell your latest masterpiece online? 

Nowadays, digital art is more popular with everyone; there are many ways to monetize digital art. 

Perhaps the most straightforward way is through a render marketplace like TurboSquid or 3DTotal, typically taking 30-60% of your sale price for their commission fees, leaving you with 40-70%. 

You can also sell your artwork on an online gallery site such as Art Authority and make more money by choosing artist pricing rather than auctioning it off; this allows you to set the price and receive 100% of what people pay for it.

You can also earn by selling your work on Etsy and eBay. 

However, you also have other options such as private marketplaces social media platforms with advertising space for private sellers like Facebook Marketplace.

20. Hand-Made Consignment

Did you know there are many free items to take online? Craigslist is always one of the most abundant sources of free stuff. Consignment shops are a great way to make money and help your community. 

You find some fabulous clothes, fix them up if they need them, fold them nicely into a bag, and then take all the bags with you when selling the items. When people buy clothing from these stores for their kids or themselves at an affordable price, those who made these pieces get credit for creating something unique without any financial investment!

You can take those things and sell them at consignment shops or make a listing on eBay and reach out to an even wider audience.

21. Take part in contests and draws


Contests and drawings on the internet are not unfamiliar territories. Before entering any of these contests, know that your parents can check for legitimacy first. Your parents will be able to see if it’s a legitimate or fake contest before you provide them with your personal information.

There are so many contests and draws that provide the opportunity to win prizes from companies, businesses, clubs, or organizations. There is no shortage of opportunities for people to get involved in some type of contest.

These contests often involve a creative component such as designing posters or writing short stories; other times, you might have to collect cans as part of the contest.

22. The esports industry

Streaming eSports lets you play games and earn money. It’s relatively new, but it’s still making big bucks. The youngest person to make a million playing eSports was only 15 when they did so; they were the youngest pro player ever.

You can start streaming your gameplay for any game you enjoy or are good at and be paid for by each viewer (or subscriber).

You will need to join leagues and enter competitions if you want to do long-term with earning potentials from prizes, sponsorships, paid tournaments, cash earnings based on how much your stream generates monthly revenue.

23. Mow the lawns

Mowing lawns is a classic, easy way of earning some extra money. I’m not talking about gardening; mowing lawns will earn you $30 per time.

Establishing yourself as the best local mower can mean plenty of financial rewards in this one specific area. Specializing in only one thing can reap loads of economic benefits.

24. Reviews of products

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Earlier, we discussed that many sites would pay you for your opinion. And at some of these survey sites, they can send you free products to review.

These survey companies work with big-name brands to get feedback on their products before releasing them. Not only can you get paid to use and check these items, but you can also preview the latest and greatest new items before they are available in stores.

The idea for a review can come about anywhere. For some, it may be from the product itself, like when you are excited to test something. Others might get their inspiration from reading reviews on other blogs or even watching YouTube videos of people reviewing products they love.

One of the internet’s newest genres is changing due to this top youtube product review channels like  FUN TOYS COLLECTOR DISNEY TOYS REVIEWRYAN TOYSREVIEWUNBOX THERAPYMATTHIAS, AUSTIN EVANS, and many more.

Bloggers/influencers often receive free items for testing purposes, which is how many bloggers started blogging – as an outlet for writing reviews on things ranging from beauty products, home decor ideas, etc.

Here, we’ve cultivated a list of the best Instagram influencers in every industry, like Jamie Oliver, Annette White, Alexa Chung, Oscar Cobo, Jannid Olsson Delér, Laura Noltemeyer, etc.

25. Join The Streaming Community

Video game streaming has become a multi-million-dollar industry. Some of the biggest names in the video game world are making millions of dollars each year, doing what they love. 

With some video-capturing hardware, you can record and upload videos to video-sharing sites or stream live on platforms like Twitch and YouTube Games for viewers worldwide to watch with subscriptions, work with brands, and display ads during your broadcast.

26. Write content for other websites

Are you interested in writing but don’t want to start your website? You can register for other people and get paid to do it.

Many renowned companies like Freelancer, Tata Consultancy Services, Zoho, and Collegedunia are looking for people with fresh perspectives, so being a freelance writer gives you the freedom to express yourself creatively while not tying yourself down.

27. Rent your equipment

You can make extra money by renting out things you don’t use every day. This includes spare bedrooms in your home, parking spaces, or even cars.

You could also rent out more minor items like sports gear, gaming equipment, or clothes for a short period to people willing to pay for the service. Just advertise this on websites and apps, and it won’t be long before someone comes around looking for such services from you.

As a side job, you can rent your stuff out for money. As a result of our research, we have determined that FriendWithA is the best website for selling your goods.

28. Garage sales online

It’s easy to make money by throwing a garage sale. Get your entire family involved to make some more cash. Think about renting table space from neighbors who want up stuff if you have the room.

If you plan on giving this a shot, use social media and let others know when your yard sale is open using it – then give previews of what they can expect in advance by advertising beforehand.

29. Entertainer for parties

Have you ever wanted to be the life of the party? Take upon this opportunity and make money doing it. If a kid wants to know how to make money as a kid, this job can also be counted as a kid’s job. 

People pay a lot of money for the entertainment at parties. You can dress up to celebrate younger kids’ birthday parties or take up face painting. Just create a website that advertises your services and includes pictures of some costumes you have worn in past events-you will get customers any time soon.

30. Crowdsourcing

How can you make money without doing anything? Crowdsourcing is always an option. It doesn’t always work, but it’s a great way to make some quick cash for a fundraising event or big trip. 

Platforms like GoFundMe and Kickstarter allow you to create custom pages where your friends and family members can donate to help fund whatever cause needs extra funds. The platform handles the donations, making it very efficient for kids.

31. Publish a book on your own

Nowadays, self-publishing has become easier than ever, thanks to the popularity of major digital marketplaces.

You can write a novella, full-length series, or short story and publish it yourself with virtually no risks. Digital ebooks sell just as well as traditional printed books, which means an audience is waiting for your work.

32. Invest

Most investment sites will not allow 13-year-olds to sign up, but you can have your parents help you out. Thanks to the Internet, investing in stocks is very easy; just visit a digital broker, put some money in there, and wait.

Depending on your investment, you can have a nice nest egg by the time it rolls around.

As well as investing in stocks, children also have a variety of investment options in which they can invest with the help of their parents. Here are the six best long-term investment plans for children:

  1. Bank Deposits 
  2. Insurance Policies
  3. Public Provident Fund
  4. Invest Gold
  5. Mutual Funds
  6. Unit Linked Insurance Plans

33. Crafts for sale

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You will always sell handmade items, such as scarves and cards. You can sell any type of product on Etsy or eBay. Papercrafts, like intricate boxes and custom-made greeting cards, are very popular with customers. Knit scarves and wooden ones do well too.

Use your creativity when you make things that suit the stores you’re trying to get in with.

34. Invent something new

The only thing standing in the way of your success is you. Who says kids can’t be inventors? If you have a good idea for a product or service, there are ways to monetize it. 

You don’t need to work with investors- go to sites like Kickstarter and Gusto, where people who believe in your idea will fund its production. Kids worldwide have come up with products and contribute as adults, so why not try yourself today?

35. Digital goods for sale

If you’re like most kids nowadays, you are good with technology and can use your knowledge to make digital products for sale, then AppSumo is the best app to sell your digital products.

You don’t have to sell e-books alone – with the app Canva and Mobirise software; you can create logos and website themes. Some children even had success in making skins for their favorite video games. 

Digital goods are sold online, and there is no need to worry about inventory since they do not require physical storage space.

36.  Apps for testing

Becoming a tester for unreleased computer and mobile software titles is something your parents can help you with. Testers are responsible for downloading the apps and providing feedback to developers, making adjustments that will improve their launch. Several sites exist where children can sign up as testers of various applications and get paid.

37. Register for market research

Market research companies like Nielsen have been around for decades. Essentially, these companies aim to see what the average person does and use that information to make money by marketing specific products or services. 

Sometimes, they do this by signing up kids as study participants, which can be done with parental consent.

38. Use technology to teach others

The younger generation is more tech-savvy than the others. Most of them use mobile phones since they can hold things in their hands, and now, you can make some extra cash by providing tech help. 

There is no better time than now to make money using technology, whether creating digital products, selling products online, offering to freelance, or launching a campaign on Kickstarter. We’ll talk about these topics more in this article.

The best way to do this is to advertise your services on Fiverr or pick up odd jobs there.

39. Create an App

Coding is becoming an integral part of the curriculum across the nation. If you have some coding experience, why not build a fun app?

Digital stores from Google and Apple generate billions of dollars annually. While this method requires specialized knowledge, it’s still one of the most viable ways kids can save money online.

If you’re dying to learn how to create an App, we’ve listed a few courses for you:

  1. Swift 5 iOS Application Developer Specialization
  2. Android App Development Specialization
  3. Introduction to Programming with Python and Java Specialization
  4. Software Design and Architecture Specialization

40. Games to create

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This article will explain how to make a game from scratch. The fun doesn’t require coding knowledge, as Roblox is an online multiplayer title where members can play user-made content.

The game has a currency system and creator program for those who want to be top earners with Roblox creations by only being 18 years old.


Here are some tips for making money as a kid using these strategies and ideas. The Internet has plenty of possibilities for making money, so learning how is vital if you want financial freedom and an easier life as an adult. Give these methods a shot and see what works best for you. You should find something that’s both fun and lucrative in the process.

When it comes to making money as a kid, a little creativity can go a long way. Whether you’re looking for ways to make more money or helping your kids create income, there are plenty of ways to be financially independent as a child. Give it a try. The world will be waiting.

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Khyati is an entrepreneur, marketing consultant, and a personal finance expert.Building on her achievements, Khyati wrote two acclaimed books: "Failure's Gold," exploring success through hardship, and "Tomorrow's Wallet" on the future of money management.Her work has also been featured by LinkedIn, PPC Hero, Social Pilot, and Training Mag.Khyati has managed over $50M in marketing budgets across various industries including technology, finance, education, retail, consumer goods and more - successfully delivering over 15x ROI for her clients.Khyati has managed over $50M in marketing budgets across various industries including technology, finance, education, retail, consumer goods and more – successfully delivering over 15x ROI for her clients.
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